Reference no: EM132821633
Assignment: Your assignment will have three steps:
Step 1: Overview
Provide an overview that includes the following:
• Summarize the considerations for planning meaningful activities in the affective and aesthetic domains of development. Support this section of your paper with your text and at least one scholarly or credible resource.
• Explain the teaching strategies that are important to use within each domain of development.
Step 2: Lesson Plan
Complete each section of the Lesson Plan Template, and create one lesson that includes the following:
1. Create a developmentally appropriate lesson plan that incorporates both the aesthetic domain of development, as well as the affective domain of development (into one lesson). Remember to adhere to overall theme (Fruits and Vegetables).
2. Describe which two goals you are implementing into your lesson plan: one goal from pages 282-283 for the aesthetic domain and one goal from pages 316-317 for the affective domain. Place both of these in the "Goal" section of the template.
3. Include the following in your Lesson Plan Template:
• State the objective of your lesson.
• List the materials you will need to teach this lesson.
• Identify how you will introduce the lesson.
• Describe the procedure for the lesson development.
• Explain how you will differentiate the lesson based on the needs of your students (e.g., English language learner (ELL), gifted, special needs, etc.).
• Describe how you will check for understanding.
• Summarize how you will close the lesson.
Step 3: Conclusion
Provide a conclusion that includes the following:
• Summarize explicitly how your lesson includes each domain. Support this portion of your paper with your text and at least one scholarly or credible resource.
• Justify how you connected the affective and aesthetic domains of development to your state (Mississippi) standards
These are the goals to use in the lesson plan:
Aesthetic Domain Goal: Participate in aesthetic criticism
Affective Domain Goal: Begin and pursue a task independently.