Reference no: EM131629472
Answer each of the questions below in short-answer format. Write your responses in complete sentences. Your answers to each question should include 2 - 3 paragraphs.
Be sure to carefully read each question to ensure that each component is answered with the appropriate depth and detail. Your answers should be free of spelling and grammar errors.
When using reference material, you must properly cite your sources using in-text citations. You must also include a reference list. All documentation must be rendered in APA citation style. (See announcements for details on APA.)
Total have 10 seperate questions. Your answers to each question should include 2 - 3 paragraphs. 150-250 words in length.
Part 1
1. Explain the differences between direct democracy, representative democracy (republic), and constitutional democracy. List the four values of democracy.
2. Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans. Explain how these two plans led to the Great Compromise.
3. Give one example of the constitutional principle of separation of powers and one example of the system of checks and balances. Be sure to explain how each example reflects the relationship among the three branches of the national government.
4. Explain the actions that led to the case of Marbury v. Madison and why the Supreme Court ruling in the case was significant for the judiciary.
5. Define federalism. Explain how the writers of the U.S. Constitution intended the arrangement of federalism to operate among national, state, and local governments. Provide one example of a disadvantage and one example of an advantage of this form of government.
Part 2
1. The United States Congress is bicameral. Define this term and contrast the duties of each house. Identify one of your Congressional representatives ; analyze whether you believe this system allows Congress to effectively accomplish their goals and represent you as their constituent. Use specific examples to support your point of view.
2. Congress has become more conservative in recent years, especially the House of Representatives. This shift came in tandem with a general shift toward more polarization in both chambers. Define polarization, and explain how it has been exacerbated by the most recent reapportionment . How has the public reacted to the ideological divide in Congress?
3. In your own words, summarize the powers the Constitution vests in the president. How does the system of checks and balances limit presidential powers? Provide specific examples of Congressional checks on presidential powers. Cite one news article (not Wikipedia) that describes a check on the powers of the president by Congress.
4. Define bureaucracy. List one example along with a brief description of the overall purpose. Describe how the civil services are regulated and analyze whether you think that the Federal Administrative System is effective and trustworthy. State your reasons and give specific examples.
5. In what ways are many citizens dissatisfied with the federal bureaucracy? What events have affected their opinion, and how has citizen satisfaction changed in recent years? How can citizens influence the public policy process? Provide examples.