List the five core information categories on a psi

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Reference no: EM132107825

This is a critical thinking essay exercise. Its purpose is to help you prepare what is contained in a presentence investigation report. You will identify what is necessary and critical for the court's determination of making an appropriate sentence.

1. What is a presentence investigation report (PSI) and its primary purpose?

2. List the five core information categories on a PSI. (just name the core categories; no need for further details.)

3. Sentencing systems function to reflect the seriousness of the offense, to provide just punishment for the offense, to act as a deterrent, to protect the public from convicted offenders, and to provide rehabilitation. The text listed 4 types of sentencing. What and briefly define those types of sentencing.

4. On pages 140 - 143, read the Pre-Sentence Investigation report from the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections.

After reading the PSI, you are to assume Mr. Ming is your client and you are before the court. The judge asks you to give a review of Mr. Ming's PSI. Therefore, you need to write a short review of Mr. Ming's life based upon the sample PSI on pages 140 - 143. You are to write this PSI overview as if you are speaking directly to the judge. Remember to give brief details of the PSI's core information modules.

You are to assume Judge Judy did not read the PSI and you must present to her a brief overview of the report, keeping in mind the core modules. Remember you will not be able to tell the judge everything written in the PSI but you should relay to her important details in each core category that would present a good picture of the client.

What would be the highlights of this PSI that you would tell the judge? What information is pertinent that would give a good description of the client that would benefit for appropriate sentencing? Remember to be brief in your comments to the judge, but also relay to her core module information.

Here is a recap: Write your review of Mr. Ming's PSI. Remember to address the court and review the core information. An appropriate response should be approximately 1 - double spaced page.

Reference no: EM132107825

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