List the drug categories by legal definition

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Reference no: EM13929881

Using the textbook and class notes, answer the following questions.\

Ksir, C., Hart, C., Ray,O. Drugs, Society and Human Behavior, Twelfth Edition. McGraw Hill Publisher

1. Define the term drug:

2. What is the term for drugs that alter consciousness, thought processes, mood or behavior?

3. List the drug categories by effect. Give examples for each.

4. List the drug categories by legal definition (the text calls it "major types of commonly abused drugs"). Give examples for each.

5. Define and give examples for

Licit Drugs

Illicit Drugs

6. Where do we get our information about alcohol/drug tobacco use? Note what sources the textbook uses when giving statistics and demographics about current trends. (Especially charts on pages 26-31, Chapter 1)

Sources of Information: Go to the websites for the following: name the organization, what information can you find at the site


The following are reflection papers to complete week one.

1. Reflection Paper: find the definition of Addiction "for the Public"; read and summarize this article in your own words. Does this definition make sense? Do you agree with this explanation of addiction? Why or why not? American Society of Addiction Medicine: The "for the public" Definition of Addiction

2. Reflection Paper: Find the DSM IV and DSM V definitions of abuse and addiction. Explain the difference between the 2 approaches to defining abuse/addiction. Use the information from chapter 2 in the textbook and

Reference no: EM13929881

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