List the common human respiratory viruses and modes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133439453


1.List the common human respiratory viruses and modes of transmission.

2. Differentiate between viral antigenic shift and antigenic drift. Explain how each occurs, its effect on the produc

tion of vaccine, and why it is an important consideration in the study of the influenza virus.

3. Define the term pandemic and identify historical pan demics of the past century, including the latest influenza pandemic.

4. List the serotypes of rhinovirus and explain how testing for rhinovirus is accomplished and how it differs from testing for the other respiratory viruses.

5. Define arbovirus, describe the mode of transmission, and list some of the most common human arboviruses.

6. List the viruses responsible for viral encephalitis.

7. Name the most common sexually transmitted viral diseases.

8. Define tissue tropism associated with human papilloma virus (HPV) and explain the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer.

9. Define skin exanthema and identify the most common types that affect children.

10. Compare human gastrointestinal viruses, stating the types that affect adults more frequently and those that affect children.

11. Define hanta pulmonary syndrome; identify the disease causing virus and the mode of transmission.


Reference no: EM133439453

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