List the book code title and discounted price

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131606375

Question: Answer of this questions using the Henry Books data shown in Figures 1-4 through 1-7. No computer work is required.

Customers who are part of a special program get a 10 percent discount off regular book prices. For the first five books in the BOOK table, list the book code, title, and discounted price. (Use the PRICE column to calculate the discounted price.)





Reference no: EM131606375

Questions Cloud

Identify and explain three itemized deductions : Write a memo to the IRS suggesting two (2) new itemized deductions that should be available to taxpayers
How can you relate the information to content you have learn : How can you relate the information to content you have learned in this course? How can you apply the content of these articles to your own professional life?
What is the net interest income earned in dollars : What is the net interest income earned in dollars on this one-year transaction. What is the net return on the loan?
Discuss access the american rhetoric online speech bank : Discuss Access the American Rhetoric Online Speech Bank, strengths and weaknesses of the speech
List the book code title and discounted price : Customers who are part of a special program get a 10 percent discount off regular book prices. For the first five books in the BOOK table, list the book code.
What evidence can you present to support the view : What evidence can you present to support the view that secular states, like the U.S., are stronger than religious ones ?
Prepare complete depreciation schedule : Prepare complete depreciation schedule, beginning with the current year, using the 150 percent declining-balance, switching to straight-line
What is the maturity risk premium for the two year security : A 2-year Treasury security yields 9.5%. What is the maturity risk premium for the 2-year security?
Compare and contrast the two versions of the film : Briefly discuss the director and cinematographer's previous work and how it compares to their work on Apocalypse Now.


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