Reference no: EM132056497
1. Discuss the Telecommunications Reform Act, 1996, and the reasons why the US Supreme Court struck it down.
2. Describe the circumstances where a search warrant may be waived prior to a search.
3. Compare and contrast searches in a private employer environment vs. a government venue.
4. List the benefits of computer forensics to Law Enforcement and the public.
5. List the types of software used in computer investigations.
6. Discuss crime scene processing for computer-related crimes.
7. What make digital forensics a science?
8. Discuss how the lack of new laws relative to computer-related crimes have challenged law enforcement and prosecutors.
9. Discuss the lack of public awareness regarding computer-related crimes and possible solutions.
10. Discuss the benefits of law enforcement collaborating with the high-tech companies in combatting computer crime.
Attachment:- Chapter 13.rar
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