List the all facts and dimensions of the enterprise

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13326633

You are required to design a data warehouse schema for recording the history of rental services of XYZ's customers (not including the customers who have ordered or picked up cars but have not returned their rental cars). The schema needs including the necessary data about the demonstration. The fact table should contain four kinds of data dimensions:

customer information, car information, store information and time. For each data dimension, you need to consider a reasonable hierarchy (e.g., time dimension - Year, Month, Week, Day; Geography - Country, State (Province), City, St.). More specifically, you need to answer the following four questions:

(1) Proceed to a source analysis: list the all facts and dimensions of the enterprise
(2) Provide a data profile to describe the source data (read "carRentalDataSource.xlsx" to answer this question)
(3) Choose a model (star, snowflake or constellation) and discuss why it is an appropriate choice
(4) Draw a diagram to show your proposed data warehouse schema


Reference no: EM13326633

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