Reference no: EM13801892
Read: "Getting Coffee Is Hard to Do"
1. How does Fish describe the traditional process of getting a cup of coffee? What does he see as the main difference between getting a cup of coffee in a diner or coffee shop and getting coffee in today's coffee bars?
2. According to Fish, how do the two kinds of coffee shops differ in terms of their physical setting?
3. List some of the obstacles Fish says customers face in a modern-day coffee bar.
4. Whom, or what, does Fish blame for the situation he describe?
5. Note that Fish does not mention paying for the coffee. Do you think the fact that this step is missing is significant in any way?
Purpose and Audience
1. What purpose do the first two paragraphs of this essay serve? Are they necessary, or could the essay begin with paragraph 3?
2. What is the point of this essay? Is Fish simply trying to explain how difficult it has become to get a cup of coffee (as his title suggests), or does he have a more specific - and perhaps more serious - purpose in mind?
3. In one sentence, state this essay's thesis. Does this thesis statement appear in the essay? If so, where?
4. Do you think Fish is exaggerating the difficulty of getting a cup of coffee? If so, what might be his purpose for doing so?
5. Who is the "you" Fish addresses in this essay?
Style and Structure
1. This essay includes several one-sentence paragraphs. Locate each one and explain why you think it is so short. Should any of these one-sentence paragraphs be developed further? If so, how? Should any be combined with an adjacent paragraph?
2. List the steps in the process Fish describes. Then, group the steps into stages in the process.
3. Where does Fish include cautions and reminders? Give some examples. Given his audience's likely familiarity with the process he describes, these tips necessary? If not, why do you think he includes them?
4. This essay is a process explanation. Do you think it would have effective if Fish had written it in the form of instructions? Explain.
5. Would you characterize Fish's tone as amused? Annoyed? Puzzled? What is his attitude toward the process he describes?