List side effect or adverse effect associate with medication

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Reference no: EM133593878


Read the Case Study below - child and adolescent

Subjective Objective

The client is an7-year-old male accompanied by his mother and 9-year-old brother.

Client's Chief Complaints:

"My son is getting in trouble at school due to his behaviorl. He has endless energy; he can't sit still. When he plays, he is too rough with other kids."

History of Present Illness

The mother presents with the client due to academic and behavioral concerns. The mother presents a school report that states that he cannot stay seated, frequently calls out in class, is disorganized, cannot complete his assignments, and has been known to be disrespectful to adults. According to his mother, he is very impatient, distractable, and impulsive.

Past psychiatric history: At age 4, the child was in a Head Start Program, and it was noted that he was demonstrating extreme hyperactivity, poor impulse control, and difficulty sustaining focus. Peer interactions were marked by aggression, such as kicking and biting others. When told "no," he would have extreme temper tantrums, where he would cry, scream, and destroy property. Such behaviors resulted in being permanently expelled from the program. At age 5, he was evaluated and diagnosed with ADHD, combined type. Medication was not prescribed at that time due to age.

Past Medical History: healthy

Perinatal history: full-term pregnancy, uneventful. NSVD. Breastfed x 5 months.

Developmental: mother reports client demonstrates age-appropriate gross and fine motor skills. He is able to dress and undress, can tie his shoes, and colors within the lines; he can balance on one foot, catch a tennis ball, and ride a bicycle with training wheels.

Family History

1. Father is alive and well.
2. Mother is alive, has anxiety
3. One brother, age 10, alive and well

Social History

1. Lives with parents and brother
2. 1st grader at local public school
3. does not have any friends

Trauma history: no reports of trauma

Review of Systems

1. appetite good, weight stable
2. sleeps 5-7 hours at night; difficulty falling asleep

Allergies: NKDA

Physical Examination:

Physical Examination (Obtained by Pediatrician 2 Days Earlier)

Height48″, weight: 85lb

Vital signs: B/P, 100/60; P, 78; R, 16; T, 98.4

General: Well-nourished 7-year-old male

HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI, vision is 20/20, and hearing acuity is unremarkable.

Neck: No masses

Pulmonary: No wheezing, rhonchi, or rales

Cardiac: S1, S2

Abdomen: No distension, bowel sounds × four quadrants, no masses or hernias

Lymph nodes: No swelling

Extremities: 2+ pulses bilaterally

Skin: No lesions or edema

Neuro: CN II-XII intact

Mental status exam:

Appearance: a well-nourished 6-year-old male who appears to be stated age. He is dressed in a striped collared shirt, jeans, and sneakers, appropriate for age and weather. Hygiene and grooming are good.

Alertness and Orientation: fully oriented to person‚ place‚ time‚ and situation, Alert

Behavior: He separates easily from hismother and brother to come with the interviewer. When he enters the office, he sits in the chair, puts his hands on the desk, and states, "Let's get to work." Initially, he stays seated with good posture, but after several minutes, he becomes hyperactive and cannot stay seated. Boundaries are poor, and he often grabs objects off the desk. He frequently interrupts.

Speech: Speech is spontaneous. At times, tone is loud. The rate is fast, and he talks excessively. He has a mild lisp and some age-appropriate articulation errors.

Mood: "happy"

Affect: constricted

Impulse control: Poor.He was touching items on the provider's desk despite multiple reprimands from his mother.

Thought content: Suicidal and/or homicidal ideations: Cannot be elicited when questioned

Perceptions: No evidence of psychosis, not responding to internal stimuli, reports auditory hallucinations.

Memory: Remote memory appears fair. He can repeat three objects immediately but not after 5 minutes.

Concentration: When focused, he is able to sing the ABCs and count to 99. Otherwise, he has a very short attention span and is distracted.

Attention and observed intellectual functioning: Intelligence appears to be average.

Fund of knowledge: Good general fund of knowledge and vocabulary

Musculoskeletal: normal gait and station

Diagnosis: (F90.2) Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Presentation


Question 1. Select one psychiatric drug to treat the diagnosis(es) or symptoms.

Question 2. List medication class and mechanism of action for the chosen medication.

Question 3. Write the prescription in prescription format.

Question 4. Provide an evidence-based rationale for the selected medication using at least two scholarly references.

Question 5. List any side effects or adverse effects associated with the medication.

Question 6. Include any required diagnostic testing. State the time frame for this testing (testing is before medication initiation or q 3 months, etc.). Includes normal results range for any listed laboratory tests.

Question 7. Provide a minimum of three appropriate medication-related teaching points for the client and/or family.

Reference no: EM133593878

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