Reference no: EM133241597
You are a nurse preparing to receive a new patient, fresh from surgery, to your unit. The patient is a 71-year-old man who underwent a surgical repair of a fractured femur. As you receive a report from the postanesthesia recovery unit, you learn that his medical history includes hypertension, 40 pack-years of smoking, and COPD. His surgical repair was successful but complicated by excessive bleeding, and he is receiving IV fluids to compensate. He is widowed, and his three children are scattered throughout the United States. He lives alone, receives Meals on Wheels, and pays a cleaning service to keep his home clean. (Learning Objectives 3, 4, and 8)
a. What general outcomes would you expect to establish from this information?
b. List potential care plan revisions available to nurses.
c. To effect performance improvement in nursing, what steps are necessary in the process?
d. Health care facilities and organizations implement programs to promote excellence in nursing that are called quality-assurance programs. How do these programs work?
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