Reference no: EM133542761
Advanced Water Technology
You will write a group report and make group presentation (during Weeks 11 and 12 workshop) focusing on the following items:
• list out the current problems of MDB region
• information on stakeholders of MDB and their roles
• current strategies used for the catchment management at present
• investigate potential future strategies for improved catchment management
Cover Page
Title of the report, group members' names and ID numbers.
A shorty summary of the full report.
Introduction section should include:
-Definition and importance of catchment management
- Introduction to Murray-Darling Basing
- What is covered in this report?
Primary and secondary stakeholders of Murray-Darling Basin.
Current Problems of Murray-Darling Basin
What are the current problems (from the different perspectives- hydrological, economic, social etc) in Murray-Darling Basin?
What are the reasons for the current problems?
Current management strategies
What are the current catchment management strategies in MDB?
Are those management strategies successful? How sustainable are those current strategies?
Future management strategies
The current strategies should be revised in future with changing conditions (e.g., climate change, increasing water demands). What are the future management strategies in the MDB?
What are the conclusions of your research?
Presentation Guideline:
Each group will prepare 1 PowerPoint file which should have at least (minimum) 2 presentation slides contributions from each student (write your name at the bottom of those slides) of the designated group. Each group member will present for around 4 minutes. Another 5 minutes will be Question & Answer time.
In the presentation slides, you will have to provide a brief introduction of MDB, list out the current problems of the catchment, current strategies used for the catchment management at present and recommended future strategies for proper catchment management. Try to incorporate information on stakeholders of MDB and their roles as well.
While you will be presenting in a group, try to maintain coherency in your presentation. Avoid overlapping of information on slides. Make sure to cite the source of information (You may wish to keep a list of references on the end slide). Prepare well formatted neat slide with appropriate font size and check for typo. Avoid long sentences and try to use some facts and figures in your slides to make it more interesting. Maintain consistency in terms of format of the slide. Slides prepared by a team member should be distinguished by adding his/her name on the footer of those slides.