List out changes that you have made to streamline your data

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131734330

Discussion: Data Warehouse Users

Revisit your submission from Module 5. Make it better. Take a moment and list out the changes that you've made to streamline your data warehouse, and the data marts in use by your three actors.

Remember to support your responses with research (including adequate references), and to respond politely to your classmates.

Submit your assignment via this assignment's link as a Word .doc file, it should be approximately 3 pages in length with several academic references to support your position.

Reference no: EM131734330

Questions Cloud

Compute the probability of a shortage in order cycle : Compute the probability of a shortage in an order cycle.
Create a promotional activity using digital technology : plan and create a promotional activity using digital technology that is suitable for a targeted market - promote manicures and pedicures to the customers
Review problem related to an apartment complex : An apartment complex has 1,000 units of which on average 100 are vacant at any given time. Per unit, the rent is $400 per month, and the operating expenses.
Calculate rogue outdoor break-even point : Calculate Rogue Outdoor's break-even point in units and dollars for selling hiking shoes if: Total fixed costs assigned to hiking shoes: $36,000
List out changes that you have made to streamline your data : Take a moment and list out the changes that you've made to streamline your data warehouse, and the data marts in use by your three actors.
Equate the realistic projection to that same present value : The following table shows two 10-year cash flow projections (in $ millions, including reversion) for the same property.
Define learning the basic elements of story and applying : During the last three units, we honed our skills in thinking and seeing rhetorically. We also practiced using our descriptive powers
Discuss the current state and future plans of the company : Actually discussing the current state and future plans of the company with a representative of the company is the hallmark of an excellent submission.
Discuss how may all just be an illusion that gatsby portrays : plays a significant role in advancing the story is because of a scene that took place upon Nick's departure from his cousin's house


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