List of the five trends in technology in order of priority

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Reference no: EM131466128

Instructions - List of the 5 trends in technology in order of priority

  • Intelligent Apps
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  • Digital Technology Platforms
  • Mesh App and Service Architecture

Choose one trend from the above that you will need to review.

If you have a primary research article, then use the research critique format.

Example of a reference: Mayer, R. E. (2004). Should there be a three-strikes rule against pure discovery learning? American Psychologist, 59(1), 14-19.

You choose a primary source (related to business and IT) and answer the questions below. Remember, new research (within five years or so)!  It might be related to a new trend or issue...the new trend or issue is in response to the need established in the prior research.  And it may not be a primary source which is alright if it is an article on NEW trend/issue.

Format to be followed -

Qualitative/Quantitative Critical Reviews

NOTE: The following subheadings should be included in reviews.


Problem Statement:

  • What is the research problem addressed in this study?
  • What is the importance of this study?
  • Does the author identify a gap in the present research to justify the study?

Research Question(s):

  • What are the stated or implied research questions in this study?

Conceptual Framework:

  • What construct and/or theoretical framework does the author identify in the study?
  • What is the theoretical or conceptual basis or literature domain identified that most informs the study?

Hypothesis to be Tested:

  • What hypothesis does the author test?

Tentative Hypothesis:

  • Does the author identify his/her relationship to the topic under investigation?

Research Design/Methodology:

  • What are the sample and context for the study?
  • What methods does the author employ to conduct the study?
  • How are the sample and methodology combined in the design?

Data Analysis:

  • What were the findings of the study?
  • How did the author arrive at the findings?


  • What did the author conclude about the study?

Comments and Criticism:

  • What did you think of this study?


If the trend is too recent and you cannot find a primary source article use the 5 Ws and H Here is the general format:

  • What- What is the trend or issue?
  • Why - Is it important or essential to know or use?
  • Who - whom is affected, who is it designed or manufactured for?
  • Where - Access and/or context?
  • When - Are there certain times for use and/or certain conditions present?
  • How - Skill sets needed, training, etc., be explicit.
  • Other - Is there a problem it addresses? Whom/What is causing the problem? Why is it a problem? Whom/What is affected by it? What are the goals for improvement?

Reference no: EM131466128

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4/18/2017 3:12:05 AM

If you have a primary research article, then use the research critique format. Start your review like this with reference in the APA style this is an example. Note: A primary source (academic journal) is in italics. You do not need a title page, place your name and date with a correct reference. You choose a primary source (related to business and IT) and answer the questions above. Remember, new research (within five years or so)! It might be related to a new trend or issue...the new trend or issue is in response to the need established in the prior research.

Write a Review

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