List of the employee strengths

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133178302


To be able to grow in any area of life, you need to have the skills necessary to interpret and internalize feedback and change your behavior as a result of that feedback.  In most professions, feedback can come from a variety of sources, including your supervisor. Based on the lecture materials, peer comments, and instructor feedback from this and previous courses you are to complete the following:

  • Select the scenario that most closely resembles the career you hope to have after graduation.  Scenarios are provided to you through links in Blackboard.
  • In your selected scenario, review the comments made by the boss about the employee's performance.
  • provide a list of the employee's strengths and areas of weaknesses.
  • try it  an essay at least five paragraph words in length about how the employee in your scenario can continue to grow and develop as a professional. Make sure to address the following prompts:
    • Indicate which scenario you chose as the basis of your essay.
    • List and briefly explain the employee's major areas of strength and weakness.
    •  make a plan for the employee to improve upon areas of weakness and capitalize upon their strengths.  In this plan, make sure to include specific goals the employee can use to determine whether they are making progress.
    • Detail whether there might be another job within their chosen field that is a better fit for this employee.

Human Services

Boss: Hello ______, thank you for coming in and taking the time to meet with me today. 

Employee: You are welcome.  Thank you for taking the time to complete my annual review and provide me with feedback. 

Boss: My pleasure.  This is all part of the job, seeing what your strengths are and where you need to improve so that you can be the best employee possible. 

Employee: That makes a lot of sense.

Boss: Why don't you come into the office and take a seat. In case you don't remember from last year, we are going to start off looking at what your goals were from last year and you can share what you have done to meet those goals. Next, I will share what your strengths are and where I think you still need to improve. Lastly, we can set goals for the upcoming year.  Do you feel comfortable with this? 

Employee: This sounds great.  Here is the list of actions and projects I have completed to work towards and meet the goals I set last year. 

Boss: This looks impressive.  It seems like you took my suggestions from last year to heart and made an effort to improve where possible.  That is what I like to see! 

Employee: Yes, I am looking forward to hearing what your new feedback is so I can continue to grow. 

Boss: Great, well let's get started. 

Boss: First, I wanted to thank you for being on time for work this week and throughout much of the year. Our clients look forward to routines and stability so someone not being here in the morning could throw off their day.

Employee: I agree!  It is really important to me that our clients have the best experience possible and that they trust us.  Little things like being here to greet them on time really go a long way!

Boss: I also noticed that you were very empathetic and caring when conducting the intake interview for Thursday's grief recovery patient.  Nice job. It didn't go unnoticed by me or by the client. Our clients really need someone to understand them and it seems as if you do. 

Employee: Thank you.  That is why I got into this field. I feel as if I can listen to the clients and have empathy when they voice their concerns.  I want to be there for people when they need it most.

Boss: That is why we hired you.  One concern that many of our clients have is with their budgeting and being able to create a personal budget that is reasonable and sensible for their income and their needs. I know you started to help a few people with this, but you need to follow through with this work until it is completed.  Several of our clients don't have necessary financial literacy skills yet and depend on us to help them with these issues before they make major money mistakes. 

Employee: I apologize.  I prioritized other tasks and skills with these clients without appreciating the importance of finishing their budget.  I will make this a priority moving forward. 

Boss: Thank you for understanding. After sitting in on a few of your group sessions I noticed that you have been improving your ability to help clients with their anger management issues.  It is very impressive. I have witnessed a dramatic change in quite a few clients' behavior.

Employee: Yes, I feel like anger management is a concern that could impact many different areas of our clients' lives, so it has been a major focus of mine. 

Boss: I completely agree with your assessment of its importance and that focus really shows. Lastly, one area where I would like to see you practice and continue to improve your skills is in working with clients with physical disabilities and promoting their independence. For instance, I have noticed that at times you jump in and do things for these clients, instead of helping them to find ways to maintain and grow their independence and do a task for themselves.

Employee: That makes sense.  If I always do the work for the clients, they won't learn. I can step back a bit.  I think it's in my nature to jump in and help, but the most helpful thing to do here is take a step back.

Boss: Thank you for being receptive to the feedback that I have given you. What I need from you now is a short list of specific goals you plan to work on for next year.  If you have any questions about that or about anything else, we have discussed, please let me know. 

Employee: At the moment I think I am good.  I am sure I will have a question or two after I look over your feedback in detail.  I will get you the list of goals ASAP. Thanks again for your time. 

Boss: You're welcome.

Reference no: EM133178302

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