List of common data structures

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1353588

Q1) Data types or primitives allow computer languages to more easily store data that we use in common everyday life. Numbers and sentences are a prime example. Using the C# language as a guide, make a table using the following headings below and describe the data types available and their characteristics.

You should have a minimum of 6 data types defined.

Data Type
Size (bits or bytes)
Min Value
Max Value
Common/Real-world example usage

For each data type, the common/real-world example should include 4 possible uses.

Using common data types, modern computer languages such as C# including class libraries that include more complex structures:

Make a list of some of the common data structures provided by C#. You should have a minimum of 4 different data types.

Reference no: EM1353588

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