List four typical active attacks against wlan

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131922243



• 250 words TOTAL
• APA format
• 3 source minimum

Conduct a web search for the key words "SMS Language". Then continue:

1. Get the references of 2 sites that come up with the best, most informative results.

2. Based on your scanning of these 2 sites

3. Write down 20 phrases in SMS language and its English translation, in the following format: SMS: English translation.

For example, TYVM: thank you very much

4. Out of the 20 phrases list your favorite or most used 5

5. Remember to provide your sources and citation

6. Do you use emoticons with your SMS texting? With emailing? What is emoticon for "confused"?

Part 2

Answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document. Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. All questions must answered with viable support and detail. Your answer cannot simply be a cited source answering the question.

• 125 words per question
• APA format
• 1 source minimum per question (source can be used for other questions)

1. What is a softphone?

2. List four typical active attacks against Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). Briefly describe each one.

3. What are some of the security concerns in the Internet Control Management Protocol (ICMP)?

4. Which wireless technology does not operate in the 2.4Ghz frequency range?

a. IEEE 802.11a
b. IEEE 802.11b
c. IEEE 802.11g
d. Bluetooth

5. Routing information is encrypted using which technology:

a. S-ATM (Secure ATM)
b. Link encryption
c. IPSec
d. File Transfer protocol (FTP)

6. List at least five SMS attack types. Could SMS attacks cripple a mobile phone network? Why or why not? Explain.

Reference no: EM131922243

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