List four skus that were purchased most frequently together

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131304898

ApriorI analysis and Cluster analysis-Data Analysis assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate steps performed in a K-Means Cluster analysis.

Review the "k-MEANS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM" section in Chapter 4 of the Sharda et. al. textbook for additional background.

Use Excel to perform the following data analysis.

1 Plot the data on a scatter plot.
2 Determine the ideal number of clusters.
3 Choose random center points (centroids) for each cluster. (Note: Each student will select a different random set of centroids.)
4 Using a standard distance formula measure the distance from each data point to each center point.
5 Assign each data point to an initial cluster region based on closeness.
6 For each cluster calculate new center points.
7 Repeat steps 4 through 6.

You will use Excel to help with calculations, but only standard functions should be used (i.e. don't use a plug-in to perform the analysis for you.) You need to show your work doing this analysis the long way. If you were to repeat steps 4 through 6, what will likely happen with the cluster centroids? The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate steps performed in an Apriori analysis (i.e. Market Basket analysis).

Review the "APRIORI ALGORITHM" section of Chapter 4 of the Sharda et. al. textbook for additional background.

Use Excel to perform this analysis.

• List the SKU which was purchased the most.
• List the two SKUs that were purchased most frequently together.
• List the three SKUs that were purchased most frequently together.
• List the four SKUs that were purchased most frequently together.

Make note of any pattern that you noticed while performing the analysis. As a retail business owner, how would you use the results from this analysis? The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

Attachment:- Assignment_Data.rar

Reference no: EM131304898

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