List four desirable characteristics of chemical agent

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133541061


1. List four desirable characteristics of a chemical agent used as an antiseptic or disinfectant.

2. Why does an unopened carton of milk, which has been pasteurized, undergo eventual bacterial degeneration in the refrigerator?

3. Hydrogen peroxide is often used as an antiseptic. Discuss the pros and cons of using this antiseptic.

4. Describe one current event (other than your own) and discuss its importance to the lmmm and or daily life:

5. Why does boiling an item such as a scalpel not sterilized that item?

6. List four microbial entities that are very difficult to kill or inactivate. Be specific.

7. Name four organisms that are "spore formers".

8. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a dreaded organism, especially on ICU units, burn wards and cancer facilities.

What is the gram reaction of this organism?

Where it found and what is its reservoir?

What are its virulence factors?

Who is most at risk of infection from this microbe?
Jane had unprotected sex with someone she has just met. The next morning, she became
worried that he might have given her a STD. Jane remembers that she has some ciprofloxacin pills leftover from an earlier respiratory tract infection that she did not complete. Should she take the rest of the Cipro prophylactically to prevent a possible STD? Explain why or why not.

Reference no: EM133541061

Questions Cloud

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Bacteria and viruses are both microbes : Bacteria and viruses are both microbes. Describe the major difference between growing viruses in the lab and growing bacteria in the lab.
Define mucosal membrane : Define "mucosal membrane", describe three tracts that contain mucosal membranes, and identify a different microbe that can enter through each of these tracts.
List four desirable characteristics of chemical agent : List four desirable characteristics of a chemical agent used as an antiseptic or disinfectant.
Difference between aerobic-anaerobic-facultative organisms : Understand the difference between aerobic, anaerobic, facultative organisms. Understand the significance between the MR and VP tests.
Microscopic observation of fungus : Insert your photos (not drawings) of your Coprinus mushroom slide in the space below, take one at low power and one at high power
Diversity and microscope and simple stains : What type of media did we use for this experiment? Know the parts of the microscope and their function. How do you make a smear from broth/slant culture?
Propionibacterium-colony characteristics on tsy plate : Describe Propionibacterium: colony characteristics on TSY plate. Aerobe or anaerobe? What does it look like under the microscope?


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