Reference no: EM133421361
Case Study: Totalitaria is a beautiful tropical island. One could call it paradise. Its handsome people live in a land of perpetual bliss and bountiful harvests that provide for every human need . One of the most attractive aspects of life in Totalitaria is the absence of all problems or worries!
Nobody need fret about selecting a career, instead the government selects one for you . Not only that, but you don't need unions or strikes because the government decides your wages, your hours and your working conditions. Freed of such concerns, the people have more time to enjoy life.
Every boy and girl receive S years of basic schooling and then, in their great wisdom, the government decides whether more schooling will suit the child or if the child would be happier in a trade school, learning a practical useful skill. As you can see, all the worry over decisions is lifted from the shoulders of the young.
Totalitaria has one newspaper, one radio station, and one television channel and all the news and programs are nice because the government , which is very wise, decides what can be seen, or read, or heard . Since there is nothing to complain about and since bad news only upsets the people, this is very sensible in that no one has to suffer through criticism of Totalitaria or its government.
The government is actually comprised of three, very wise, men . With great compassion and kindness, they seek to ease the problems of the people. An example is the new law that requires parents to get permission before having a baby . Too many babies were being born, so now, parents have to apply for a licence to have children.
No history of Totalitaria is taught (only the "three wise men'' know the past) and little information is allowed in from the outside world. This is good because people might get worried or confused by knowledge of the past or recent news. There is no need to know anything but modern Totalitarian life. Since some important people of the past had "bad" ideas no one has heard of them. The people of Totalitarian simply concentrate on the present and the future. "Live for today" is a popular Totalitarian slogan.
All the books in Totalitaria are nice books with happy stories and acceptable ideas. My favorite book by far (there's one in every barracks) is "The Wise Thoughts of the Chairman Three." This provides all the guidance the people really need. Music, art, and theatre are all selected and directed by the government.
In most countries, there are conflicts because various groups think differently. In order to avoid this unpleasantness, Totalitaria has abolished the family. All children are raised in state nurseries with equal love and equipment so that they share the same values and attitudes. The older people live in the barracks and eat together and share everything they have. Everyone gets along well and nobody argues or fights. As in every society, there are some sick people who have odd ideas, but Totalitaria helps these unfortunate by placing them in special mental homes for "reprogramming."
As you can see, this is a perfect society. Everyone wears an attractive uniform but the colors differ - mechanics wear navy blue, office workers wear mauve, farmers wear orange, etc. So wonderful is Totalitaria that no one wants to travel outside (unless they are odd) and no one is allowed in because they might import "wicked ideas" and upset the perfect balance and peace that exists.
1. List FIVE things the government controls in Totalitaria
2 . List THREE ways the government ensures that no violence or rebellion exists.
3. Who are the government?
4. What are the benefits of life in Totalitaria?
5. Would you like to live in Totalitaria? Why or why not?
6 . Pretend you are one of Totalitaria 's "oddballs." Create an attack ad against the present government in the form of a poster . On the reverse briefly explain your rationale.