Reference no: EM133238969
Assignment - Different arts and historical sites in Florida Discussion
Description - Your local library has decided to hang artwork in its lobby. You volunteer at the library and heard that the director of the library plans to go to the mall and buy artwork off the shelf in a home decor store to decorate the walls.
You are outraged, and feel that the library presents an ideal space for more meaningful public displays. After all, your town has such a rich and interesting history, and there are some artists and craftspeople living in the area. You decide to approach the City Council Chair to voice your concerns, but he informs you that the library is on a tight budget, and he doesn't see the need to spend too much of tax payers money on "decorations."
You now plan to attend the next City Council meeting to convince the town to do more with the exhibiting space at the library, and that it doesn't have to be expensive if the displays are cultivated from regional resources.
INSTRUCTIONS - For this assignment, you may use your current location, or pick another American city.
List five significant creations in your city/town (Florida), such as buildings in different styles of architecture, bridges, and public art. Include the year each item was created.
Arrange the chosen creations in chronological order, along with names of their creators.
Explain the major styles/periods in art to which each of the five creations/selections relate. Include your rationale for your selection.
Identify three additional local creative residents from the past and present, whose work could potentially be displayed at the library. List the forms of art for which they are known.
Your timeline should be printable so that it can be distributed to City Council members and attendees at the meeting. Use the timeline templates found under the Insert tab to create a printable timeline.
Clearly label your chosen location.
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