List five companies that provide p2p file sharing services

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131251312 , Length: word count : 400

Computer Communications Network -P2P File-Sharing Services

For this discussion, find five companies that provide P2P file-sharing services. For each company, share what kind of files and content they deliver.

To prepare for this Discussion:
Read Houston's Interview with Forbes Magazine:
Barret, V. (2011) ‘Dropbox: The inside story of tech's hottest startup', Forbes,7 November, Forbes [Online]. Available from:

To complete this assignment:
List five companies that provide P2P file-sharing services. Identify what types of files P2P file-sharing services can deliver, and if there are different approaches for different file types.

Your document should have 400 words.

Reference no: EM131251312

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