List down the three ways you can measure the ingredients

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Reference no: EM133691636

Prepare vegetarian and vegan

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Complete the table below about ingredients for vegetarian and vegan dishes by identifying:
At least two ingredients that fall into each of the following categories:
Meat substitutes
Dairy substitutes
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits
At least one example for each ingredient identified
At least one key characteristic for each ingredient identified

Question 2
Identify the following for egg substitutes:
At least two examples of egg substitutes
At least two characteristics of egg substitutes

Question 3
Outline all information that must be included in each of the following:
Date codes:
Best-Before Date
Use-By Date
Rotation labels

Question 4
Complete the table below about accompaniments and sauces to vegetarian dishes:
Identify at least two of each of the following:
In your own words, briefly describe each identified accompaniment or sauce.
Responses must be in 30 words or more.

Question 5
Complete the table below about accompaniments and sauces to vegan dishes:
Identify at least two of each of the following:
In your own words, briefly describe each identified accompaniment or sauce.
Responses must be in 30 words or more.

Question 6
In your own words, briefly describe the following origins of each ingredient provided below:
Historical origin
Cultural origin

Question 7
Complete the table below about cookery methods for vegetarian and vegan dishes:
In your own words, define each cookery method provided below
Identify at least one example of a dish made using each cookery method
In your own words, briefly describe the historical origins of each identified dish
In your own words, briefly describe the cultural origin of each identified dish

Question 8
Answer the questions below about food safety.

Identify at least three examples of food containing raw eggs.

Identify the main risk associated with raw eggs.

Identify the main health risks to using egg substitutes.

Identify the optimal refrigerator temperature for each of the ingredients provided below.

In your own words, describe how to avoid cross-contamination between ingredients during storage.

In your own words, describe the proper way to store each of the ingredients provided below to keep them fresh for longer.

Practical Assessment

The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be an industry workplace or a simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen servicing customers.
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to prepare and cook various vegetarian and vegan dishes following standard recipes.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
Workplace Assessment
A series of tasks assessing the candidate's practical knowledge and skills relevant to the unit of competency. This includes the candidate completing workplace documents or similar as evidence of competent performance.
Workplace Practical Observation
A set of assessment tasks where the candidate must demonstrate practical skills relevant to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by the assessor.

Assessment Overview

This workplace assessment requires you to prepare at least four vegetarian dishes and at least four vegan dishes.
This assessment is divided into two tasks:

Task 1: Prepare Ingredients and Equipment

Task 2: Prepare and Present Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes
You are required to complete the assessment tasks in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be an industry workplace; or a simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen servicing customers.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete the assessment. Each task will require you to either:
Submit completed workplace templates and/or any required documentation; or
Demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.
Some tasks may include both requirements. These will serve as evidence of your task completion.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing the tasks.

You are required to:
Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
Prepare all the ingredients and equipment required to prepare the following:
At least four vegetarian dishes
At least four vegan dishes
Cook and prepare each dish using the appropriate cookery methods
Select and add accompaniments to each dish prepared
Adjust presentation of each dish prepared
Clean work area after preparation of dishes

Resources Required for Assessment
Resources you need to access to complete the workplace assessment are outlined in the Resources Required for Assessment section of this workbook, and in the corresponding Assessor's Checklist and/or Observation Form of each task.
Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task. They will organise the resources required for this assessment.
IMPORTANT: Additional workplace resources may be required upon the contextualisation of this assessment.

Forms and Templates
Generic forms and templates to be used for the assessments are specified for each task, unless otherwise stated. These can be accessed from the following link:
SITHCCC031 Forms and Templates
If you are currently in a workplace, use similar workplace templates and forms used by your organisation to complete each assessment task.
Discuss with your supervisor and your assessor first to ensure that the forms/templates you will use cover all criteria required by each assessment task.
Review these forms and templates with your assessor before starting the task.

Chapter 1: Choose Ingredients for Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes

Activity 1: What is Required?
List down at least three food production requirements you can find in a standard recipe.

Activity 2: It is All About the Numbers
Assume that you are working as cook at the La Bellissima restaurant of The Continent Hotel. Today, you will be making a vegan burger. The recipe you will use for the vegan burger yields four burgers. However, you need to prepare eight vegan burgers.
Below is a table with the ingredients from the recipe. Calculate how much of each ingredient you will need to make eight vegan burgers. Then, complete the table with the required amount of ingredients.

Activity 3: How Do You Choose Ingredients?
Arrange the steps on how to identify and select ingredients below.


Check the quality of each ingredient. Check the freshness of each ingredient.

Check the stock rotation requirements. Check the recipe.

Select the right ingredients.

Activity 4: Keep the Food Safe
Let's review what you've learnt about checking ingredients for signs of spoilage and contamination. Read each statement below.
Tick ‘True' if the statement is correct, and ‘False' if not.

It is good practice to only purchase the ingredients that you need to prevent spoilage.
You can decide not to store non-perishable foods properly since they can last a long time.
You can handle food items in the same manner.
Bacteria, viruses and fungi can get into food, leading to spoilage.
You can still use an ingredient even when it has changed colour as long as it still smells good.
Foreign objects can get mixed into food, leading to choking and contamination.
You can safely use food items stored between 5°C and 60°C for less than two hours.
You must throw away food items stored between 5°C and 60°C for more than four hours.

Chapter 2: Select, Prepare and Use Needed Equipment

Activity 1: What Equipment?

Identify the pieces of equipment below based on the following clues provided:
1. It is a refrigerated cabinet used for preserving food at very low temperatures.
2. It is used to mix the ingredients to make dough.
3. It is a commercial equipment used to grill dishes by batch.
4. It is used to cut, slice and chop food items.
5. It is used to remove foam, froth or bubbles on top of liquids.
6. It is used to measure the exact amount needed of a food item.
7. It is inserted into the dish while cooking to check the temperature.

Activity 2: Keep Equipment Clean
Arrange the steps involved in cleaning and sanitising equipment below.


Rinse Pre-clean

Dry Sanitise

Wash Final rinse

Activity 3: Be Safe and Hygienic
List down at least five guidelines you must follow to use equipment safely and hygienically.

Chapter 3: Portion and Prepare Ingredients

Activity 1: Get in Sequence

Assume that you are still working as cook at the La Bellissima restaurant of The Continent Hotel. Today, you are required to prepare a mushroom bolognaise pasta. To ensure that you cook the pasta well, you must sequence your ingredients.
Below is the recipe of the pasta you need to prepare. Sequence the ingredients you will use according to their arrangement in the procedures.

Mushroom Bolognaise Pasta
500 grams of spaghetti
425 grams of canned tomatoes
400 grams of mushrooms (finely chopped)
80mlof olive oil
80 ml of red wine
80ml tomato paste
1 large onion (finely chopped)
1 clove of garlic (crushed)
2.5 grams of dried basil leaves
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper Procedures:
1. Heat the olive oil in a sauce pan.
2. Add the chopped onions and fry for 5 minutes.
3. Add the garlic and mushrooms. Saute and fry for another 5 minutes or until lightly brown.
4. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, red wine and basil into the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine.
5. Cover the pan and simmer for 25-30 minutes.
6. In separate pot, cook the spaghetti in boiling water. Follow the directions in the package.
7. Drain the pasta and put it back into the pot. Add the sauce into the pot and combine with the pasta.
8. Serve immediately or cool and store.

Activity 2: Measure It
List down the three ways you can measure the ingredients of your dish.

Activity 3: Prepare the Dish
Let's review what you've learnt about preparing vegan and vegetarian dishes. Read each statement below.

You can use fresh fruits and vegetables on your dish without washing them.
You can use the container of meat dishes for your vegetarian and vegan dishes.
Before handling any ingredient when cooking, you must wash your hands first.
All ingredients in vegetarian dishes can be used in vegan dishes.
You can leave ingredients in their original containers if they have not yet been opened yet.
Store your vegan or vegetarian ingredients separate from the animal products.
Some Ingredients that are not required to be chilled or frozen can be stored outside of the refrigerator.

Activity 4: Cutting Standards
Below are some of the culinary cuts you can use on your ingredients. Match the listed cuts to their corresponding culinary standards.


This cut is about 1 mm wide. Jardinière

This is a dice cut with 13 mm all around. Brunoise

This cut is 2-3 mm for regular and 1.5 mm for fine. Julienne

This cut is 1.5 cm in length and 4 mm in width. Chiffonade

This cut is 3-4 cm in length and 2 mm in width. Parmentier

This is a dice cut with 5-8 mm all around. Macédoine

Activity 5: Minimise Wastage and Increase Profits
Complete the paragraph below about minimising waste and maximising profitability.

It is important that you the food wastes of your organisation. That is because when thrown, these wastes are sent to or are burnt. This can harm the as it can contribute to .By minimising your food wastes, you can help preserve the environment.
Aside from this, minimising waste can also help maximise the of the dishes that you make. With less and food items going to waste, your organisation can earn more from the dishes sold.

Chapter 4: Cook Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes

Activity 1: Cookery Methods
Below are some of the cookery methods you can use to prepare dishes. Match the listed cookery methods to their corresponding descriptions.


This is done by heating liquid in a saucepan and submerging food in it. Braising

This is done by searing the meat substitute or vegetable on a pan. Then, slowly cooking in a seasoned liquid until tender. Steaming

This is done by simmering the food item in a small amount of liquid for short time. This liquid is usually water. Boiling

This is done by using a pan with a little bit of oil or butter substitute to cook the food. Poaching

This is done by suspending food above a boiling liquid to cook it. Shallow frying

Activity 2: Food Accompaniments
Complete the puzzle below on the examples ofdressings and sauces for poultry dishes.

3. It is used as base for cheddar, cream or Mornay sauce.
5. It is made of oil, vinegar, mustard, egg yolks and seasoning.
6. It is made of two ingredients that cannot be combined.
1. It is made up of a ratio of 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar.
2. It is a tomato-based sauce that does not need emulsification.
4. It has a thick consistency and can be used in savoury dishes for flavour.
7. It is an emulsified sauce made from butter, lemon juice and egg yolk.
8. It is a combination of vinegar, oil, herbs and flavourings, and is usually used on salads.

Activity 3: What to Adjust?
List down the three factors that you can adjust to improve the quality of your poultry dish.

Chapter 5: Present and Store Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes

Activity 1: How Do You Present A Dish?
Let's review what you've learnt about presenting and adding garnishes to dishes. Read each statement below.
Tick ‘True' if the statement is correct, and ‘False' if not.

In free-form plating, you can plate the dish as you like as long it looks creative.
You can present the dish on any service-ware as long as it can be used.
You must not use service-ware that has chips and breaks.
Having different plates per person makes the presentation look more creative.
You can add garnish to your dish to enhance how it looks.
You can only use herb leaves as garnish on your dishes.
Before you touch any garnish, you must first clean and sanitise your hands.

Activity 2: Adjust the Dish

Sarah's Sandwiches

Sarah works as a cook at the La Bellissima restaurant of The Continent Hotel. Today, two guests arrived and ordered two VeganBean Burger.
As Sarah prepared the sandwiches, she recalled that the appearance and presentation of a dish is as important as its taste. She knows that for the sandwich to look good, it must have good balance, colour and contrast. These three will also affect the texture and taste that the guest will experience.
With these in thought, Sarah started to assemble each sandwich. She first held the two toasted vegan bread slices.She spread the sauce evenly on each slice. She made sure to apply just enough to not oversaturate the bread. She then placed the lettuce on top of the first slice of bread. She topped the lettuce with the fried bean patty. Then, she added two slices of tomato. She added the vegancheese on top. Finally, she added the second slice of bread. This layering provided contrast in colours and made the sandwich look appealing and appetising.
Sarah made sure that the ingredients are layered evenly to ensure that the guests will be able to enjoy the ingredients in every bite they take. She made sure that there are just enough of every ingredient and their flavours will combine well to achieve balance. It is important to keep the sandwich balanced because if one ingredient overpowers the rest of the ingredients, it will affect how the sandwich will taste.
She then sliced each sandwich diagonally into two equally sized triangles. This will allow the guests to see the layers of the sandwich properly. Slicing the sandwiches into triangles makes them smaller. It will make it easier for the guests to eat them.
For the garnish, she placed olives on a little stick, and used a wooden stick to keep the sandwiches together. She also placed potato crisps on the side, her chosen garnishes provided a contrast in texture and flavour. Contrasting textures and flavour help keep the guests from getting bored of what they are eating.
Answers the questions below based on the scenario.

1. In your own words, briefly describe how Sarah achieved balance in the sandwiches she prepared.
2. Identify the reason why balance needs to be considered.
3. In your own words, briefly describe how Sarah made sure to have different colours in the sandwiches she is prepared.
4. Identify the reason why sandwiches must have different colours.
5. In your own words, briefly describe how Sarah achieved contrast in the sandwiches she prepared.
6. Identify the reason why contrast needs to be considered in the sandwiches.

Activity 3: Store It Properly
Below are some of the environmental conditions you must consider when storing food items.
Identify at least one guideline you must follow for each environmental condition.
Environmental Condition Guidelines to Follow
a. Humidity

b. Light

c. Packaging

d. Location

e. Use of containers

f. Ventilation

g. Temperature

Activity 4: Clean Conscientiously
Answer the questions below about what you must consider when cleaning your work area.

1. Identify at least two environmental considerations you must consider when cleaning your work area.

2. Identify at least two cost reduction initiatives you must consider when cleaning your work area.

Reference no: EM133691636

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