Reference no: EM131293452
Topic 1: Product Design
List and describe briefly the elements of Product Design. Select one and apply it to a product you would like to see created in the marketplace.
Topic 2: Service Design
List and describe briefly the elements of Service Design. Consider a service industry and create a short service blueprint, a series of events that has at least 5 steps. Then describe each step with a short paragraph under each step.
Topic 3: VCA, RBV, and SWOT Analyses
Discuss how you can use VCA, RBV, and SWOT analyses to gain a stronger sense of what might be a firm's key building blocks are for a successful strategy.
Choose a Fortune 1000 company to demonstrate these aforementioned analyses.
Please remember to use APA citation (text and list references) to further validate your initial responses. Take time to review the responses of your classmates and provide your feedback.
Topic 4:
The concept of best practices is simple: Do not recreate the wheel.
For this week's Discussion, please research and find an article relating to best practices that you find truly interesting. Find a company or situation that created a best practice that others follow, or find a best practice that was implemented and proved effective, efficient, and innovative.
Answer the following questions relating to the article and your own experience with best practices:
Please describe the background for the article you researched and explain why this particular best practice scenario appealed to you. What did you learn from the situation that you could apply to your own life?
Best practices are for not only our professional lives, but our personal lives as well. Please describe a situation in your life that needed some type of improvement and, after observing someone else in a similar situation handle things differently, how you decided to implement your own best practice. Is this best practice still effective, or have you improved it?
Address and identify given interrelated items
: Address and identify these interrelated items- the overall scope and mission of the organization, company goals and objectives, and a source of competitive advantage.
Wirte an eassy on the global justice movement
: Wirte an eassy on Counter Hegemonic is it related to globalization? Why does the author think it's an important issue, etc., (2-3 sentences)
Educational pursuits or on the job
: Describe any action research that you have employed in your educational pursuits or on the job. Discuss how you might use action research to conduct your research in terms of your currently selected topic? Provide several examples.
Argue for single sourcing in order to implement jit
: Although many experts argue for single-sourcing in order to implement JIT and lean production, some companies are now reverting to dual sourcing or multi-sourcing.- What position would you argue for and why?
List and describe briefly the elements of product design
: List and describe briefly the elements of Product Design. Select one and apply it to a product you would like to see created in the marketplace.
What is a literature review
: What is a literature review? What should be included in a literature review? Locate and provide a good literature review in your area of interest, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.
What position would you argue for and why
: Although many experts argue for single-sourcing in order to implement JIT and lean production, some companies are now reverting to dual sourcing or multi-sourcing.- What position would you argue for and why?
Segments in the absence of congestion
: Assume that every TCP segment is 1 Kbytes and that a TCP connection begins with a 64- Kbyte congestion threshold. How many TCP segments have to be acknowledged before the congestion window reaches 100 segments in the absence of congestion?
Why is it better than the alternatives
: How much will it cost and who will pay for it?Is there political will or social support?Why is it better than the alternatives?What are the benefits to your solution?