List all the advantages of purchasing foreclosed homes

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131726884

List all the advantages of purchasing foreclosed homes as an investment and fully explain why each is an advantage?

Then, list all the disadvantages of purchasing foreclosed homes as an investment and fully explain why each is a disadvantage?

Do you feel that the reward will outweigh the risk? Explain why or why not.

In order to score points you need to complete the assigned reading and answer the question from the reading assignment. Please feel free to do additional research on the topic. But, in all circumstances, make certain you document your source(s) of information.

You may certainly disagree with what is in the assigned reading/video, but you must reference where you obtained your information, your opinion on the topic, and why you disagree.

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Reference no: EM131726884

Questions Cloud

Online library and at least three online sources : ONE PAGE! Your responses must include at least three academic/scholarly sources from the CSU Online Library and at least three online sources.
Write a paper on what makes a top hundred hospital : Write a 1,000 word paper on What Makes a Top 100 Hospital. What type of services do they provide? Are there any ratings on the hospital or services?
Write recommendation with suggestions to the magazine : Get a copy of the U.S. News and World Report issue where the schools are rated. The methodology used to rate the schools is included in the article.
Pick a new company for case study : You should pick a new company for this case study, one that is different from the other assignments.
List all the advantages of purchasing foreclosed homes : List all the advantages of purchasing foreclosed homes as an investment and fully explain why each is an advantage?
Methods of project activity planning : Now that you have had exposure to two methods of project activity planning (Activity Network and GANTT)
The meaning and importance of ethics scenario : Ethics-meaning and importance of ethics Scenario. You have been recently hired in human resources department at company you have always dreamed of working for.
How might these risks be mitigated during training : Are there any risks to allowing learners to fail during training? How might these risks be mitigated during training?
Discuss the reasons for regulatory agencies : The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the reasons for regulatory agencies and ethical considerations regarding regulatory compliance.


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