List all the actions taken by the resident assistants

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Reference no: EM133327132

Question 1:- State v. Ellis

  1. List all the actions taken by the resident assistants and the Central State Police Department officers
  2. that invaded Ellis's Fourth Amendment right of privacy in his dorm room.
  3. Explain why the court's interrogation of resident assistants' actions was consistent with reasonable Fourth Amendment searches but the police officers' actions were unreasonable. Do you agree? Defend your answer.
  4. Interrogate Ellis's Fourth Amendment privacy ideal from his standpoint. Back up your answer.
  5. As they relate to the special needs/privacy ideal, should it matter whether the resident assistants, campus police, or city police conducted the search? Defend your answer.

Question 2:- Miranda v. Arizona

  1. According to SCOTUS, what do the words "custody" and "interrogation" mean?
  2. Why is custodial interrogation "inherently coercive," according to the majority?
  3. Identify and explain the criteria for waiving the right against self-incrimination in custodial interrogation.
  4. On what grounds do the dissenters disagree with the majority's decision? What interests are in conflict, according to the Court?
  5. How do the majority and the dissent explain the balance of interests established by the Constitution?
  6. Which is more consistent with the relevant criminal procedures ideals regarding the law of police interrogation, the majority's bright-line rule, requiring warnings, or the dissent's due process test, weighing the totality of circumstances on a case-by-case basis? Defend your answer.

Reference no: EM133327132

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