List all rows and columns for the complete invoices table

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM133771492

Assignment: MySQL Lab code

There are 22 tasks on it. It is done on a website called GitHub. I will attach the link and how to access it once accepted. The instructions on what to do is also in the link I will send. Please make sure to read the instructions on the website in the companion. If possible, please provide a brief explanation as well. Below is an overview of what the tasks will be:

• Task 1: List the item ID, description, and price for all items.

• Task 2: List all rows and columns for the complete INVOICES table.

• Task 3: List the first name, last name, and credit limit of customers with credit limits of $1,000 or more.

• Task 4: List the invoice number for each order placed by customer number 125 on 2021-11-15.
• If you need help, use the discussion of the DATE data type in Figure 3-16 in Module 3.

• Task 5: List the customer ID, the first name, and the last name of each customer represented by sales rep 10 or sales rep 15.

• Task 6: List the item ID and description of each item that is not in category HOR.

• Task 7: List the item ID, description, and number of units on hand for each item that has between 10 and 30 units on hand, including both 10 and 30.

• Task 8: List the item ID, description, and on-hand value (units on hand * unit price) of each item in category CAT. (On-hand value is technically units on hand * cost, but there is no COST column in the ITEM table). Assign the name ON_HAND_VALUE to the computed column.

• Task 9: List the item ID, description, and on-hand value for each item where on-hand value is at least $1,500. Assign the name ON_HAND_VALUE to the computed column.

• Task 10: Use the IN operator to list the item ID and description of each item in category FSH or BRD.

• Task 11: Find the ID, first name, and last name of each customer whose first name begins with the letter S.

• Task 12: List all details about all items. Order the output by description.

• Task 13: List all details about all items. Order the output by item ID within location. (That is, order the output by location and then by item ID.)

• Task 14: How many customers have balances that are more than their credit limits?

• Task 15: Find the total of the balances for all customers represented by sales rep 10 with balances that are less than their credit limits

• Task 16: List the item ID, description, and on-hand value of each item whose number of units on hand is more than the average number of units on hand for all items.

Use a sub-query.

• Task 17: What is the price of the least expensive item in the database?

• Task 18: What is the item ID, description, and price of the least expensive item in the database?

Use a sub-query.

• Task 19: List the REP_ID and the corresponding sum of the balances, as BALANCE, of all customers for each sales rep. Order and group the results by sales rep ID.

• Task 20: List the sum of the balances of all customers for each sales rep but restrict the output to those sales reps for which the sum is more than $150.

The results should display the REP_ID and BALANCE column headers. Order the results by sales REP_ID.

• Task 21: List the item ID, description, and category of all items that are in the DOG or CAT category and contain the word Small in the description

• Task 22: KimTay Pet Supplies is considering discounting the price of all items by 10 percent. List the item ID, description, price, and discounted price for all items. Use DISCOUNTED_PRICE as the name for the computed column.

Reference no: EM133771492

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