List all pair of products names which are in same city

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1362324

CUSTOMER ( Cid, CName, City, Discount )
AGENT ( Aid, AName, City, Percent )
PRODUCT ( Pid, PName, City, Quantity, Price )
ORDERS ( OrderNo, Month, Cid, Aid, Pid, OrderedQuantity, Cost )
Write the appropriate SQL statements that perform the following queries: ( Solve part 10, 11 and 12, only when you finished all the previous queries to avoid changing the data. )
You must change the name of any manipulated column.

1) List the names of agents that placed an order for customer C003 or customer C006.
2) List all pair of products names that are in the same city, along with their city name.
3) List the number of orders and their total cost for each agent that handled orders with more than $1,000 in total; showing the agent name.
4) List the names of all customers and the total cost of their orders if they have placed an order.
5) List the id and the name of products that were not ordered through agents 'A04'.

Reference no: EM1362324

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