Linear programming concepts

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM1314159

  • In LP it is not possible for there to be multiple optimal solutions even though there may be feasible solutions.
  • The maximal flow technique is used to connect all points of a network; connecting power lines in a new development is an example.
  • The critical path is the expected time path route through the network and any delay along this path will delay completion of the whole project.
  • In the corner-point solution method to linear programming (LP), a solution requires that there be only two decision variables.
  • Random numbers may be generated using a random number generator; this is a key step in Monte Carlo simulations.
  • If I am producing 10 million bolts, I can expect a maximum of 34 defects if the process is truly six sigma.
  • Slack time can be computed by finding the difference between the earliest start time and the earliest finish time.
  • A uniform distribution is a continuous distribution often used in PERT to find expected value and variance for activity completion times.
  • Traditionally, upper and lower control limits are set 3 standard deviations apart.
  • According to the central limit theorem, the sampling distribution of sample means is distributed normally.

Reference no: EM1314159

Questions Cloud

Reducing the augmented matrix : Reducing the augmented matrix
Reduce matrix to its reduced echelon form : Reduce matrix to its reduced echelon form.
Solving the equation : solving the equation
Find the feasible region : Finding the feasible region.
Linear programming concepts : Linear programming concepts.
Graphical method for finding the solution : Graphical method for finding the solution.
Graphical method for solving maximization problem : Graphical method for solving maximization problem.
Graphical method for optimization problem : Graphical method for optimization problem.
Set up the objective function and constraints : Set up the objective function & constraints & then solve.


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