Reference no: EM13781035
Critical Thinking
Choose one of the statements below. State as many arguments "for" and as many "against" as you can, using facts, ethics, duties, and values. Evaluate each argument as strong, medium or weak.
Short Example (your statements will be paragraphs, and include facts and their sources):
CEOs of large companies shouldn't be paid more than $15 million dollars a year.
Arguments for:
1. That money could be used to give raises to lower-level employees. (medium)
2. That's too big of a gap between lower-level workers and management. (weak)
3. It supports the effect of the "rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer." (weak)
4. No one is worth that much, even the president of the United States doesn't make a million dollars. (weak)
Arguments against:
1. CEO pay is all like all pay, it's based on supply and demand, and there are a limited number of executives with the necessary skills and talent to run a large company. (strong)
2. Companies won't be able to attract qualified managers to be their CEO. (medium)
3. The pool of qualified applicants will shrink as smart people choose more profitable lines of work, such as starting their own business, or consulting for foreign companies. (medium)
4. CEOs who are successful and increase the value of their company by billions of dollars should receive a small portion of that in the form of salary (strong)
After you've evaluated each of the arguments as weak, medium or strong, use that to inform your decision as to which side-pro or con-is the correct one.
Now, select one of these statements and provide arguments for and against:
Companies should move their factories overseas to lower labor costs.
Only American-made products should be sold in America.
The government should be deeply involved in most aspects of business, from employee benefits to executive compensation and amount of profit.
Companies shouldn't buy raw materials and products using the "low bid" method.
Children under the age of 18 shouldn't work.
Employees (or students) who are caught cheating once should be fired (or dismissed).
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