Limited number of copies of items designed

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131049723

Quixotic Unique Manufacturing, LLC, uses 3D printing and other processes to make a limited number of copies of items designed or requested by predominantly web-based customers.

The Network Group headed by Jon R. Xiang is the internal department with the responsibility to maintain, update, and expand the network so that it is available and responsive to business requirements.

As a member of Jon's department, you realize that your expertise is needed to keep the network functioning at the required level.

Jon is concerned that the network is now three years old and some of the equipment is no longer capable of the speeds required in the current business environment. You know that Jon is going to be interested in upgrading a network that currently runs at 1 Gbps using twisted-pair cabling and devices to manage routing at OSI Layers 1-3. Your team wants to be ready to make informed recommendations to assist in building a faster network.

In your morning concerns discussion meeting, Jon mentions that the new networked 3D printing machines are capable of 10 Gbps speeds at 535 MHz. The older machines are capable of 500 Mbps speeds and the entire network was built for that throughput. During the meeting, you are asked what cable grade should be used to connect the new machines to the network. You realize that the current routers are too slow to make full use of the 10 Gbps speed. You realize that the new machines use only one TCP port so that only those packets should be allowed into this segment of the network.

Based on the scenario described, what needs to be considered, including:

  • Cable and device recommendation.
  • The importance of Layer 4 to the solution.
  • Cost of the solution.
  • Diagrams that support the solution.

Prepare a 1-page recommendation memo and a 1/2-page diagram with 1/4- to 1/2-page narrative for Jon's solution. Cover:

  • Solution recommendation, including cable and device recommendations.
  • Evidence to back up your recommendation, including why you recommended what you did.
  • Installation diagrams using your recommended materials.

Reference no: EM131049723

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