Reference no: EM131443089
First and foremost, go through the course content and answer the Week 2 Q&A below.
In readings and activities there are other places that say comment/post or even optional. Use these below (required) and not those (I'm unable to edit).
As always post your answers to all of the above questions (in once post) and read and respond to at least one other student. "Respond" before Sat/Sun so the other student has a chance to read it before the end of the week. Post your answers before the end of the week and preferably, sooner.
Q1 Lifetime Value
Think about, and do some quick research on, the 'Lifetime value of a customer'. Other yet words are loyalty management and customer loyalty. Find (cite in your answer and as a ref) some points on this. Also search 'cost of losing a customer'. Briefly write on what you found on i) Lifetime value, ii) customer loyalty and iii) cost of losing a customer. (Research based not an opinion piece).
Q2 Cause Marketing
Find and briefly write (cite and ref ALWAYS! ... for every answer unless specified to not do so. Learn this practice) two causes/charities/not for profits (NFP)'s. One is one of your favorites. Another is one that you think as a really effective marketing campaign (no matter if you like the cause). Write briefly on i) the one with the highly effective marketing campaign and ii) two realistic/practical marketing ideas that could help the charity that you endorse.
Q3 Customer Satisfaction
Pick a product/business/service and find customer satisfaction scores on it. For a glimpse, refer to Table 2.2 of the Week 2 readings. There are usually private internal scores (don't look for these) and public scores. These public (web) scores have a range from informal (websites like Yelp and others) to very formal like JD Powers or Consumer Reports. Fine if you pick the same product or service as your paper BUT don't let it steer your paper. Write briefly on: i) what you found, and ii) comment some on 'the pursuit of customer satisfaction scores. As you do, consider the following: is there a point where a score is too high (why / why not)? (don't forget your refs as soon I'll not remind).
Q4 More on Ethics
Marketing research plays an important part in connecting a company with its customers. Unethical marketers will try and abuse that relationship. Briefly look up SUGGING (e.g.: Very very briefly: How can a marketer make sure its agencies/partners stay ethics?
What are lessons can be learned from smsis experience
: What are lessons can be learned from SMSI's experience?
Forming marketing strategy
: What are ways in which targets are found out while forming marketing strategy?
Develop a method of data collection
: How might you gain access to the site? Would you conduct an unobtrusive, reactive or participant observation? Develop a method of data collection (e.g. taking notes during or after, photographs)
Evaluate the given statements
: Evaluate the following statements. Determine whether each is true or false and explain your answer. a. If economic profits are zero, firms will exit the industry in the long run.
Lifetime value of a customer
: Think about, and do some quick research on, the 'Lifetime value of a customer'. Other yet words are loyalty management and customer loyalty.
What is j corporation net income for the year ending october
: ACCT 504- The following is selected information from J Corporation for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2010. Based on accrual basis of accounting, what is J Corporation's net income for the year ending October 31, 2007?
Explain the concept of medicalization
: Explain the concept of medicalization. Discuss the opposing views of the role that medicine plays in medicalization
Discuss the brands value proposition
: Identify the branded product and discuss the brands value proposition. Describe the brand's current marketing mix (product, place, price and promotion)
Identify increasing or constant-cost industry
: Given the industry description, identify each of the following as an increasing- or constant-cost industry. a. Major League Baseball: Uses the majority of pitchers. As the number of pitchers used increased, the quality declines.