Life span development and humanistic psychology

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Reference no: EM133548398


Which of the following is known for his hierarchy of needs model?
Rogers, Heidegger, Frankl, None of the above


Which of the following is known for her work on life span development and humanistic psychology?
Leta Hollingsworth, Margaret Washburn, Charlotte Buhler, Anne Anastasi


Which of the following by arguing that language development cannot be explained by operant conditioning paved the way for the development of cognitive psychology?
Atkinson, Chomsky, Miller, Bruner


Which of the following is a key concept in Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
Reorganization and synthesis, Phi Phenomenon, Schemata, Cybernetics


Which pioneer in the field of psychotherapy emphasized the person's inner feelings and experiences while emphasizing the importance of the personal qualities of the therapist?
Rogers, Frankl, Beck, None of the above


Karl Lashley is known for which of the following?
The principle of mass action, The principle of equipotentiality, both a &b, Neither a&b


Which of the following is known for his pioneering work in hemispheric specialization in brain function?
Luria, Franz, Sperry, Hebb


Which of the following is the best-best known American representative of existential psychology?
May, Kelly, Rotter, Frankl


Which philosopher had the greatest influence on the development of existential psychology?
Descartes, Camus, Heidegger, Kant


Which of the following saw the search for meaning as the central issue in life?
Rotter, Bandura, Luria, Frankl


The influential paper on The Magical Number Seven Plus or Minus Two which emphasizes limitations in our capacities to process information (particularly with short-term memory) was written by which of the following?
Bruner, Miller, Rogers


Alan Turing founded the field of artificial intelligence.
True or False


Ethologists such as Konrad Lorenz largely dismissed the importance of instinct in animal behavior.
True or False


Which psychologist focused on the importance of personal constructs and is associated with the concept of constructive alternativism?
Kelly, Maslow, Rogers, Tinbergen


Existential psychology as well as humanistic psychology emphasizes a phenomenological approach.
True or False

Reference no: EM133548398

Questions Cloud

Explain at least three highlights : List and Explain at Least Three Highlights From This Week as a crisis counselor.
What are values-beliefs-emotional reactions-virtues : What are the values, beliefs, emotional reactions, virtues, and perspectives of others affected by the ethical question?
Diversity in cognitive development : How does Mr. Mark include diversity in cognitive development knowing that children bring cultural and linguistic differences to class?
Educational controversy of phonics or whole language : Conduct internet research on the educational controversy of phonics or whole language. Disagreement exists on the best method of language development
Life span development and humanistic psychology : Which of the following is known for her work on life span development and humanistic psychology? Alan Turing founded the field of artificial intelligence.
Definition of both positive and negative reinforcement : Definition of both positive and negative reinforcement and how they are similar and how they are different in your definitions.
Hypothetical examples from your future clinical practice : Compare and contrast Super's theory and demonstrate your understanding by using hypothetical examples from your future clinical practice with a client(s).
What was difficult or stretch for you as counselor : Tell about what was difficult or a stretch for you as a counselor this week and what made it difficult or a stretch?
Lens of eriksons developmental theory : What is the professor looking for when asking me to explain through the lens of eriksons developmental theory,


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