Life cycle of an online payment system assessment

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Reference no: EM133134213 , Length: word count:1500

BN205 Project Management

Assessment - The Life Cycle of an Online Payment System

Learning outcome: Demonstrate project leadership skills; identify and assess risk in designing and executing a major project

Assignment Description

You are hired as a Project Lead for IT division by ‘Global Australian University. The university wishes to extend its operations to another level by using ‘online payment system' as the business is expanding. Most of the students are using portable devices including mobile phones and laptops for their work. The university requirements for online payment system are as below-

1. Payments can be made using MasterCard or Visa credit cards by students as university thinks it is more secure than any of the alternatives.

2. A receipt / payment confirmation will be issued immediately, which student can record or print.

3. Students can also receive an email confirmation along with the payment receipt saying that the payment has been successful.

4. The payment must occur in "real-time" so students can view the payment on their university account with no delays in updating.

You need to produce a report outlining the following points and you can use business case or example to discuss these points. In your report, answers the following questions and use references in IEEE style wherever required.

Question 1 Plan objectives of the online payment system for the above example.

Question 2 Define who's who in the online payment ecosystem and their roles.

Question 3. Break entire process of paying by card into various stages and explain each stage with block diagram.

Question 4. Install ‘Razorpay Button' on your university web site by using generated code.

Question 5. Upload screen shots of payment transactions.

Question 6. Define Invoice/receipt fields and attach the pdf copy of invoice in assignment submission.

Attachment:- Project Management.rar

Reference no: EM133134213

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