Reference no: EM133218214
A local, non-profit, licensed animal rescue group is looking to digitize record-keeping within the organization. Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) requires licensed animal rescue groups to follow certain record-keeping requirements to maintain compliance. Review the supplied Information Sheet and Record-Keeping PDF forms supplied by the GDA for the scope of data gathering requirements.
The goal is to make web-based application to help the volunteers at the animal rescue group in day-to-day operations and annual reporting to the GDA. On the organization's Intranet it will provide flexibility of being accessed from a variety of devices. For this deliverable you will need to formulate an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to model the data required, develop a database, implement CRUD functionality on the data, and derive business intelligence from the application.
Entity Relationship Diagram
Make an ERD that fulfills at least First Normal Form (1NF) to the data required on the Record-Keeping Form supplied by GDA about a Pet. Identify which attributes might be worth creating separate entities with if we wanted our database in Third Normal Form (3NF). You can use Visio, hand-draw it, or use another ERD-type tool and attach it with ZIP file of code solution.
Database Development
Make database in Microsoft SQL Server that implements your data model. Populate test data to demonstrate its usage with at least 10 different examples of Pets.
CRUD Functionality
Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionality with respect to a Pet. This will allow volunteers to add new pets to the database, view the inventory, update and delete Pet records in the database.
Business Intelligence
Implementing a reporting page that can answer these questions for volunteers and admins.
1. How many animals are currently in the facility?
2. How many animals by pet type (cats, dogs, etc) has the rescue group helped?
3. How many adoptions have occurred?
4. What are the establishments/persons we commonly deal with?