Level of legally enforceable contract

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133116268

California passes regulations that address pesticides. These regulations are much stricter on the use and production of pesticides than the federal regulations. Is this permissible under current law? What if California's regulations are much less strict than the federal regulations?

Deceitful Dad promises to take Sammy Son to the store to purchase a video game over the weekend. Deceitful Dad has promised to do this multiple times, and never follows through. Sammy Son has had enough and writes a contact between Deceitful Dad and Sammy Son. Both parties sign the agreement and it is notarized. Deceitful Dad, despite the contract, fails to follow through once again. Can Sammy Son seek damages under the contract? Why or why not? Would the result be different if Sammy Son paid Deceitful Dad $15.00 to take him to the store?

Discuss the required elements of a valid contract analyzing when an agreement rises to the level of a legally enforceable contract and when it does not.

Reference no: EM133116268

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