Letter to an elected official page

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Reference no: EM133399500

Task 1
Review the tasks listed in the Project: Letter to an Elected Official page. This can be found in the last module of this course.

Task 2
You will complete a rough draft of your letter. You only need to submit the letter, not the project reflection. Points for this task will be based solely on whether or not you submitted a draft.

Task 3
This assignment requires peer review. You will be assigned to view 2 of your classmates' assignments. Names will remain anonymous. You will provide any comments, suggestions, comments, and concerns that you have regarding the peer's rough draft. Please use the attached rubric as a basis for your feedback. Grades given by students will not be accounted for in the final submission of the project at the end of this course.

Reference no: EM133399500

Questions Cloud

Discuss the pros and cons of two of the databases : Discuss the pros and cons of two of the databases you researched, i.e., ease of use, format, searchability, etc.
Analyze specific aspects of ensemble methods : Ensemble methods harness multiple weak predictors and provide committee predictions to the users. Analyze specific aspects of ensemble methods.
Understanding of cognitive distortion : Our perception of situation plays an important role in our stress levels. Can we manage stress using learned optimism or understanding of cognitive distortion?
How choices in performance measurement approaches : How choices in performance measurement approaches are a?ected by an organization's culture, industry, and strategic direction established by its leadership
Letter to an elected official page : Review the tasks listed in the Project: Letter to an Elected Official page. This can be found in the last module of this course
How and under what circumstances : How and under what circumstances? How might circumstances differ depending on the age and gender of students and the age and gender of the teacher?
Lack of commitment and contribution in honest : How to write the evaluation of your team member(s) who are lack of commitment and contribution in honest and direct way as Confidential report?
What makes this resource effective : An example of an innovative technological resource that could be utilized in an ELL educational setting. What makes this resource effective?
Create side-by-side boxplots of expenditures by ethnicity : Create side-by-side boxplots of the Expenditures by Ethnicity - Construct bar charts using Age Group (defined above) as classes (categories)


Write a Review

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