Legislators lobbying their former colleagues is unethical

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Reference no: EM133273459

Lobbyists come from different backgrounds. Most are lawyers, and many have not held elected office. However, in Austin as in Washington, D.C., the number of former legislators taking high-paying jobs lobbying their former colleagues has grown substantially in recent years. In fact, this practice is becoming so common that the term revolving door has emerged to describe it. An article in the Dallas Morning News estimated that in the 2013 legislative session, former legislators earned up to a collective $1.7 million in salaries. It is not surprising that interest groups such as corporations or labor unions would want to hire former legislators as lobbyists. Former legislators have cultivated relationships with their colleagues as well as with staff members; therefore, they can easily arrange meetings for their clients with important government leaders. Lobbying firms see former legislators as strong investments because of their ability to influence legislation. Former legislators defend taking lobbying jobs by claiming that they have a right to make a living. Texas legislators point out that they make only $7,200 per year and that their experience should not go to waste once they leave office. Former legislators say they are uniquely suited to advise their clients because of their expertise in legislative politics. They also say they are employed not only to influence current legislators but also to educate them about the concerns of the lobbyists' clients, who are the legislators' constituents as well. As long as reporting requirements exist so that the public knows whom they are lobbying for, they argue, then there are no ethical issues with this practice. Former legislator and current lobbyist Cliff Johnson defends his experience by suggesting, "You have to hire somebody to get through the administrative minefield." Lobbying firms will naturally gravitate toward hiring individuals who know the legislative process and so are able to best represent them.

On the other hand, opponents of the revolving door claim that this practice is unethical and should be curtailed because legislators are public servants who should not personally profit from their time in office. Representative Donna Howard (D-Austin) has proposed that former legislators should have to wait a period of time after their legislative service before they lobby. Senator Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound) expressed her opposition to the revolving door in this way: "It just doesn't feel right. I don't want people questioning: Is she filing that bill because she hopes to cash in on that at some point in the future? I would rather be boiled in oil." Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Patrick have also proposed ethics reform in the legislature to address the issue of the revolving door. Nevertheless, a proposal to enact a two-session "cooling off" period before former legislators could lobby failed in the 2017 legislative session. Ten states currently have revolving door laws, but Texas will have to wait until the next legislative session to even consider these bills to limit the practice.

Do you agree or disagree that former legislators lobbying their former colleagues is UNETHICAL?

If you believe it is unethical, explain why.

If you do not believe it is unethical, explain why.

Reference no: EM133273459

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