Legislative and regulatory context of an organisation

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Reference no: EM132563951

BSBCUS501 Manage Quality Customer Services - Australian Study Link Institute

Assessment Task 1 - Unit Knowledge Test

Purpose of the assessment task:

This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:
• Knowledge to investigate, identify, access and include the requirements of customers in planning process and ensuring quality, time and cost specifications are met as agreed with customers.
• Knowledge to ensure that the delivery of quality product and services are agreed with customer specifications and within the organisational plan. Skill to deliver product and services as per customer specifications within organisation's business plan.
• Knowledge to monitor team's performance to meet organisation's customer service standards and help co-workers overcome difficulties in matching customer requirements.
• Knowledge to develop and use strategies product and service standards and to obtain feedback to further improve the quality of product and services. Skill to develop and use strategies to obtain customer feedback to improve the provision of products and services.
• Knowledge to develop, procure and use resources effectively use resources to provide quality products and services and take decisions to overcome problems and adapt as per the customers' requirements.
• Knowledge to manage records, reports and recommendations within organisation's process.


Question 1: Answer the following:

a. Explain the legislative and regulatory context of an organisation in relation to creating a false or misleading impression. Write your answer in 100-150 words.
b. As defined by Australian Competition and Consumer commission, what products and services must be guaranteed by the business? Write your answer in 50-100 words.

Question 2: Answer the following:

a. Explain the purpose of developing a customer complaints handling policy. Write your answer in 50-100 words.
b. What should be included in a complaints handling policy? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
c. Write in your own words, the key steps that you would include in Complaints handling procedure. Write your answer in 150-200 words.

Question 3: Answer the following:
a. Identify and document any four (4) Customer Service Standards and Best Practice Models related to "Quality management" issued by International Standards Organisation (ISO).
b. How can you ensure that the team members are meeting the customer service standards? Write your answer in 50-100 words.

Question 4: Explain public relation and product promotion in your own words. Write your answer in 100-150 words.

Question 5: Answer the following:
a. Explain five (5) strategies to handle a customer complaint in a smooth and professional manner. Write your answer in 100-150 words.
b. Prepare a list of at least seven (7) techniques that you can use to communicate with Customers with Disability.

Question 6: Answer the following:
a. Explain the process of identifying customer needs? Write your answer in 200-250 words.
b. Explain, how can you use the following techniques to identify customer needs:
1. Market Research
2. Customer Relationship Management
Write your answer in 100-150 words.

Question 7: Explain the elements of a customer service plan. Write your answer in 200-250 words.

Question 8: Why must an organisation deliver products and services as per the customer specifications given in the organisation's business plan? Answer in 50-70 words.

Question 9: How can performance standards be used to monitor team performance to ensure that they are consistently meeting the organisation's quality and delivery standards? Answer in 100-150 words.

Question 10: Explain three (3) techniques that a manager can use to help colleagues overcome difficulties in meeting customer service standards. Write your answer in 50-100 words.

Question 11: Answer the following:
a. Explain the purpose of Customer Relationship Management tools. Write your answer in 50-100 words.
b. What must a manager consider before developing and using strategies to monitor progress in achieving product and/or service targets and standards? List any five (5) items.

Question 12: How can you use the following methods/strategies to obtain customer feedback:
a. Online Surveys
b. Customer Incentives
c. Social Media
Write your answer in 200-250 words.

Question 13: Answer the following:
a. Explain the purpose of Resource management plan. Write your answer in 100-150 words.
b. Prepare a list of three (3) traditional approaches to securing resources.

Question 14: What techniques can be used to identify customer service problems and their causes? Write your answer in 200-250 words.

Question 15: Explain the following decision-making tools, that used to resolve customer service identified problems:
c. Payoff Matrix
d. Decision tree
Write 50-100 words for each.

Question 16: Answer the following:
a. Why is it important to keep complaints records? How should they be stored? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
b. Explain the purpose of following customer service reports:
i. Number of requests received per day
ii. Average handle time
iii. Number of requests closed per user
Write your answer in 150-200 words.

Assessment Task 2 - Unit Project (UP)

Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:
• Skill to investigate, identify, access and include the requirements of customers in planning process
• Skills to ensure quality, time and cost specifications are met as agreed with customers.
• Reading skills to gather and interpret organisational (Widgetbox) information
• Writing skills to match your style of writing to the documents' purpose and audience
• Skills to apply Widgetbox organisational needs to document production
• Technology skills to prepare and present documents
• Knowledge of legislation and regulation relevant to customer service
• Knowledge of service standards and best practice models.

Project task:

Case study:
Widgetbox is the largest producer of widgets in Australia. Established in 1975, it offers set of tools for widget developers and its widgets are used as components in different machineries, from domestic appliances to industrial equipment. The company was established by Steve Smith. His son and granddaughter are currently running the company and collectively form board of directors. Recently the granddaughter has been allocated the post of managing director Widgetbox.
There is only one location from where the Widgetbox operates. The location has a warehouse for storing the raw materials used to make the widgets, machines shop the raw materials used to make the widgets and dispatch areas next to the warehouse.
The office block houses the following operational departments:
• Purchasing.
• Research and Development (often abbreviated to R&D)
• Production.
• Sales
• Human Resource Management.
• Accounting and Finance.
• A recently established customer services team.
Supply chain at Widgetbox:
• Widgetbox have both internal and external customers. Their external customers number over 1,000.
• Internally, the reception yard receives the raw materials from the external suppliers. The staff members in the yard are the supplier's customers.
• The raw material is stored and kept in good condition until the production workshop staff asks for a delivery.
• At this point the storemen are suppliers and the workshop staff members are the customers.
Consider Widgetbox' organisational chart as follow.


The granddaughter of the owner was appointed as managing director of the company twelve years ago. There were very little changes in the business during his leadership. The business continued to be the market leaders as there was very little competition. But during the last five years, the sales have begun to slump.

The owner soon recognised that his granddaughter was not competent enough to handle the challenges that the market is currently facing in the market and called a firm of management consultants to help.

After having discussion with the staff and looking at work processes and departmental records, the consultants produced and documented an initial report that included the following concerns:
• The business was not aware of their external customer's needs
• The business was not aware of internal customer needs
• The business did not have adequate policies and procedures for managing its customer service.
The managing director of the business has admitted that he was complacent in his approach to customer relations.

The management consultants have created a few simple protocols for developing and obtaining approval for policies and procedures.

Protocols for developing policies and procedures

All policies should have a:
• statement of purpose
• scope of the policy
• related resources, e.g. procedures, forms, guidance material, etc.
• related legislation
• approval information: the authorisation date and name of the person who approved the policy.
Procedures should be written as a number of steps where possible. For example, step 1: greet the customer; step 2: ask the customer what you can help them with.

You are appointed as a customer service manager to manage the business process and improve the quality services.

This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the ability to plan to meet customer requirements through the development of a customer service plan.
This task is divided two parts:
• Part A: Develop customer service planand reflection plan
• Part B: Articulate customer service planand reflection plan
Part A: Develop customer service plan and Reflection plan
The management consultants have asked you to develop a customer service plan.
Refer to the scenario and case study given above, and:
1. Develop a customer service plan using the template attached to this assessment task (Template 1). Your customer service plan should include:
• Vision statement referring to Widgetbox provision of customer service.
• Mission statement referring to Widgetbox provision of customer service.
• Key internal and external stakeholders.
• Product standards:
i. minimum safety requirements
ii. dimensions of the widgets
iii. tolerances rate of widget iv. material
v. delivery standards
• Policies and procedures for:
• Gathering customer information and conducting market research to identify customer needs using the RATER model
• Customer complaints policy and procedure;
• Recordkeeping policy and procedure;

2. Reflection Plan: Develop a brief note (in 150-200 words) reflecting your plan and document:
• How the design of your plan will work to achieve quality customer service and legal compliance?
• How your plan is compatible with best practice models (such as RATER model) and voluntary standards and codes of practice?
• Public relations and product promotion approaches that are appropriate for Widgetbox.

Part B: Articulate customer service plan and reflection plan

After developing the customer service plan, you will be required to:
• Arrange meeting with two management consultants, the owner and the customer.
• Articulate the printout of your customer service plan.
• Conduct a discussion on its effectiveness.
Your classmate will take on the role of the owner and role of management consultants will be allocated to two (2) other classmates in your class.
Your trainer/assessor will play the role of a customer to provide you feedback and agree on the given specifications in the case study.
The management consultants will discuss the protocols and policy framework. Owner will discuss the requirements
During the meeting, you as a customer service manager will give details of your customer service plan and reflection plan prepared in part A of this assessment task. When disseminating the details of your customer service plan, you must address the following:
• Strengths of your customer service plan.
• Desired outcomes of your customer service plan.
• How the design of your plan will work to achieve quality customer service and legal compliance?
• How is your plan compatiable with choice practice models (such as RATER model) and voluntary standards and codes of practice?
• How your plan will address the customer needs including quality, time and cost specified in the case study?
• Based on your customer service plan, you will be required to obtain feedback from the management consultants and the owner using effective listening and questioning skills. They may ask you questions where they feel the customer service plan is not addressing the concerns.
• Identify the areas of improvements and update the customer service plan accordingly. You need to submit an updated copy of the customer service plan to your trainer and assessor.

Assessment Task 3 - Unit Project (UP)

Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate student's following skills and abilities:
• Skill to ensure that the delivery of quality product and services are agreed with customer specifications and within the organisational plan.
• Skill to deliver product and services as per customer specifications within organisation's business plan.
• Skill to monitor team's performance to meet organisation's customer service standards and help co-workers overcome difficulties in matching customer requirements.

Project Task:
This task requires you to demonstrate the ability to ensure delivery of quality service through handling customer complaints, monitoring team performance, and intervening to develop team abilities to overcome difficulties in providing quality customer service.
• You will:
? write a report to the board addressing customer service issues
? handling customer complaints in an email
? managing under-performing team member in a coaching role-play.
You are a customer service manager. It is currently December, and over the last few months, you have been receiving feedback from customers that customer service is just ‘not what it used to be'. The board of Widgetbox has been made aware of the decrease in customer service quality and wants to know what you're going to do to fix the problem.
According to Widgetbox recent records, customer service quality standards have declined. The number of calls shown on their database from January discloses the boost of number calls with a variation of 14% from the previous year.

The record shows that in January and February the calls represented less 2% compared to the previous year. However, this number went to +3,5% in March, and the team member were the same. In June, July and September the variation in number of calls grown, achieving respectively, +4%, 4,5% and 7%.

In the third quarter of the year, the table reveals a notable change regarding to the team members:
• Two fresh staff members were added to the team (Taya and Jasmine);
• The supervisor John was in vacations for two months (October and November);
• One of the qualified customer service officer staff left his job (Nitin).

The result of this transition had an impact of the calls per month, raising its number from 7% in September to 10% in October and 12% in November.

The probable causes of customer service shortfalls can be easily explained on the last quarter of the year, with the absence of the supervisor and the extension of recruiting two new employees.

One of the new employees, Jasmine, has been dsiplaying an inappropriate behaviour with customers and has been observed that she is not adhering to the company's policies and procedures.

You have monitored the team performance and observed some incidents, where the customer service has lacked.

Incident 1:

Jasmine is a member of your customer service team at Widgetbox. Her role is to receive telephone enquiries and complaints.

Recent complains lodged against Jasmine:
• Jasmine has been rude to customers on several occasions. This behaviour contravenes company policy on the knowledge of the importance of friendly service to customers of Widgetbox.
• Jasmine has recently developed a habit of letting the phone ring and then placing customers on hold. This behaviour contravenes company policy on the knowledge of the importance of prompt service to customers of Widgetbox.

Jasmine misunderstood and thought that the customer had ordered the products yesterday and argued with him. She accused the customer of being unreasonable as Widgetbox is an industry leader in guaranteeing three-day delivery.
When the misunderstanding was eventually cleared up, Jasmine wasn't sure how to track orders or reorder the products. She said there was nothing she could do as Widgetbox' procedures didn't seem to cover this issue.

Incident 2:
There have been certain problems with the quality control issues. The size of the widgets is being over 10% bigger or smaller than specified. Some customers have been returning their widgets and asking for refunds. One has claimed compensation for failing to meet a big order deadline because our widgets were the wrong size.
To address this issue company gave instructions to its customer service teams to offer 15% discount for next order to its customer and replace the widgets.

West mine called on two different occasions and the customer service team members that assisted them on both occasions were different and offered different discounts on both occasions.
Considering the situation, they have again lodged a complaint to the board of directors specifying the offered discounts are different at each occasion and the orders are also processed at different speed.
Part A: Report
Considering the incidents specified above, Write a brief report (200-250 words) to the board of Widgetbox to:
? summarise customer service team performance
? identify probable causes of customer service shortfalls
? identify options to address the problem/s.

Part B: Write an email to the customer
Considering incident 1 and 2, As the customer service manager, you will need to write an email to West Mine Co. to clear up the misunderstanding and address their concerns/complaints. When writing an email to West Mine Co., you need to follow the customer complaints policy and procedures attached as Appendix 1 to this unit.Make sure that your support of the customer provided is in accordance with foundations of customer service set out in the Widgetbox business plan and the customer service plan you develop in Assessment Task 1.
Your email must address complex customer complaints and system problems.

Part C:
This task is in continuation with part B of this assessment task. This task comprises of two (2) role plays.
There are two scenarios in the role play. For both the scenarios, you will be required to monitor the performance of customer service team members of your organisation. While monitoring, you will need to figure out the team members performance in terms of handling complaints and to check if they are following the customer complaint policy and procedures.

• You will continue to act as a customer service manager.
• One student of your class will play the role of ‘Vince' (customer) in scenario 1 and ‘Michell' (customer) in scenario 2.
• Your trainer/assessor will depict the role of ‘Taya' (customer service team member) in scenario 1 and ‘Stuart' (customer service team member) in scenario 2.
• The roles will be allocated by the trainer/assessor.
The scenarios will be based on two different teams.
• Team A: Handles the complains regarding when product sizes more than tolerance rate.
• Team B: Handles issues regarding the product quality and specific complaints, where the product could lead to serious injuries/implications.

Scenario 1: Team A
Vince is a self-employed gardener and have just returned home after buying a 7mm widget from Widgetbox. The round journey took him over an hour to complete. When he opened the packet, he found it contained a 5mm widget. The packet has 7mm written on it but the widget inside is 5mm. His receipt states 7mm too. He only buys two or three widgets each year and this has really annoyed him. This is the second time this has happened to him. The last time this happened he got an apology and replacement and were told it would not happen again. He still had to repeat the journey to get a replacement though. He need the widget to fix his lawn mower and he can't work without it.
So, he called the customer service office and Taya picked up the call. Taya, the role being played by your trainer/assessor will participate in role play with Vince (played by student).
During the role play, Vince will do the following:
• Call the customer care centre.
• Lodge a complaint regarding size difference.
• Ask for replacement.
• Threaten to complain to fair trading or consumer protection or ACCC if replacement is not done.
During the role play, Taya will do the following:
• Greet the call in a friendly manner.
• Address the customer complaint.
• Explain them that they are not authorised for replacement but can do the refund.
• Finally agree to authorise the replacement.
• Be clear and professional.

Scenario 2: Team B
Michell recently bought a widget from Widgetbox. The first time she used it, the widget snapped, and bits flew into the air. Luckily, she was not hurt, but a piece did hit his window and smashed it.
She was very shocked and angry at the time. She could have lost an eye! She has called a team member of Widgetbox Customer Service Team and Stuart has picked up the call.
During the role play, Michell will do the following:
• Call the customer care centre.
• Lodge a complaint regarding widget.
• Ask for refunding money back for the broken widget as well as the money to replace the window upfront.
• Ask when he will follow-up with her regarding the matter.
During the role play, Stuart will do the following:
• Greet the call in a friendly manner.
• Apologise.
• Ask for widget size.
• Describe that Widgetbox will investigate to solve the problem immediately.
• Ask if there is anything else the customer needs to resolve the situation or repair the relationship.

Considering the conversation between Michell and Stuart, if you feel that Stuart did not follow the complaint handling policy and procedure, you will need to document the key points of the Customer complaint handling policy and procedures that the ‘Stuart' did not followed.

Part D: Role play
This part of assessment task is in continuation with part C of this assessment task.
You will also need to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of how to develop team members and coach them to improve the quality of her customer service. Use the Widgetbox's Complaints policy and procedures document in Appendix 1 of this unit to assist you.
Your trainer/assessor will act as Taya and allocate the role of Stuart to the student (Roles specified in part C of this assessment task).
You will first meet the customer service team (Taya and Stuart). You will ask them reason for their declining performances.
You will need to ask them questions to understand and clarify their perspective.
Taya will give the following reasons:
1. She has been really stressed about the number of calls.
2. She is angry that they were not given a heads-up about production problems, so they could adequately explain to customers.
Stuart will give the following reasons:
1. He is unsure about complaints handling process.
2. He feels he is having problems handling complaints of aggressive customers.

Considering their responses, you will need to address their performance issues. You need to prepare to:
? Run a well-structured coaching session
? Identify the performance issues.
? Outline the policy and procedures for managing customer complaints (Refer to Appendix 1)
? Outline techniques that they must use to deal with diverse type of customers considering their needs. (small customers to customers like West Mine Co.)
? Explain techniques for solving customer complaints.
? Document the outcomes of the coaching session in template 1.

Assessment Task 4 - Unit Project (UP)

Purpose of the assessment task:

This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:
• Skill to develop and use strategies product and service standards and to obtain feedback to further improve the quality of product and services. Skill to develop and use strategies to obtain customer feedback to improve the provision of products and services.
• Skill to develop, procure and use resources effectively use resources to provide quality products and services and take decisions to overcome problems and adapt as per the customers' requirements.
• Skill to manage records, reports and recommendations within organisation's process.
• Reading skills to interpret and analyses textual information from a variety of sources and applies the knowledge that has been gained to evaluate standards for organisation's products and services.
• Written and oral/speech communication skills to organise and deliver information to effectively communicate risk management processes to a range of stakeholders/interested people.

Project Task:


The board at Widgetbox is quite happy with your performance in addressing customer service problems that occurred previously. Jasmine has been performing better and is more confident in her role. West Mine has continued to purchase their widgets from Widgetbox.

At this stage, the board wants you to take considerable steps to make improvements in organisation wide delivery of customer service. They want you to develop some specific targets to measure the performance of the customer service team. The also wants you to monitor customer satisfaction levels and recommend any changes so that the delivery of customer service can be improved at Widgetbox.

The board of directors has asked you to talk to the manager (trainer/assessor) to obtain performance information and customer feedback.

This task is in continuation is assessment task 2 and 3. You will be required to use the background information given in the case study and outcomes of the assessment tasks.

You will use performance reports and customer feedback given by your assessor to review customer service strategies and generate a report with recommendations for improvement. You will need to arrange to meet with the trainer/assessor to gather performance and customer feedback information and consult with the trainer/assessor on possible strategic and organisation-wide solutions.

Part A:
Develop a set of KPIs for Widgetbox customer service representatives. KPIs should focus on the areas of customer and business requirements identified below:

Part B:
Construct a plan or procedure for monitoring team members' performance against KPIs. (any two KPI's specified above)

Part C:
Develop a questionnaire to collect customer feedback related to KPIs and/or designed to uncover identifiable gaps between services provided (including the quality of service) and customer expectations.

Part D:
Considering the performance data and customers feedback that you obtained from the trainer/assessor (Manager), you will be required to:
o Arrange a meeting with your manager(trainer/assessor), to review performance data and feedback from customers.
o Discuss issues and viable solutions with him.

Part E:
In this part of the assessment task, you need to analyse performance data and customer feedback to identify systemic customer service issues and trends and prepare a report for the management at Widgetbox containing recommendations for organisation-wide customer service improvement. The report should contain:
o 2-3 recommendations to:
• improve public relations at Widgetbox.
• adapt customer services, products and service delivery
o A rationale for each recommendation based on your knowledge of:
• problem identification and resolution
• managing customer service and customer relationships
• managing quality customer service delivery
• procuring appropriate technology to address customer needs.

Attachment:- Manage Quality Customer Service.rar

Reference no: EM132563951

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7/5/2020 11:15:59 PM

Hello Kindly check the file attached and let me know the price. Need to do only task 2,3&4. This assignment need to be get done as soon as possible.

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