Reference no: EM13184058
Critically discuss the effectiveness of parliamentary and judicial controls over delegated legislation in the English legal system.
This assignment requires that you demonstrate that you can:
Apply relevant knowledge, The production of a clear, logical argument that demonstrates critical ability, Evidence of research, Good style and clarity of expression, and an appreciation of academic debate.
Your will be marked against the following criteria: 80+:
A mark of 80+ will fulfil the following criteria:
Shows clear evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual issues; Develops a sophisticated and intelligent argument;
Shows a rigorous use and a confident understanding of relevant source materials;
Achieves an appropriate balance between factual detail and key theoretical issues; Provides evidence of original thinking.
A mark in the range 70-79 will fulfil the following criteria:
Engages closely with the question;
Shows some evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual issues; Shows some sophistication of argument;
Shows an intelligent use and a good understanding of relevant source materials.
A mark in the range 60-69 will fulfil the following criteria:
Offers critical insights and shows evidence of critical thinking;
Shows a good understanding of the major factual and/or theoretical issues, and addresses the relevant literature on the topic;
Develops a focused and clear argument and articulates a sustained train of logical thought;
Gives a clear exposition of models /diagrams, with derivation, where appropriate;
Shows clear evidence of planning in the formulation of the written answer and includes a judicious choice of sources and methodology.
A mark in the range 50-59 will fulfil the following criteria:
Shows some understanding of relevant major theoretical and/or factual issues;
Shows evidence of planning in the formulation of the written answer, makes selective use of appropriate sources, and demonstrates some knowledge of the literature;
Shows, at various points if not throughout the entire text, examples of a clear train of thought or argument;
Presents basic models / diagrams, where appropriate;
Provides an appropriate conclusion to the textual argument(s).
A mark in the range 40-49 will fulfil the following criteria:
Shows some awareness and understanding of the factual and/or theoretical issues, but demonstrates limited ability to develop these;
Provides clear evidence of misunderstandings;
Shows some, albeit limited, evidence of planning in the formulation of the written answer, but also includes material or arguments which are irrelevant or unrelated to the question;
Fails to develop a clear or coherent response to the question, but shows occasional knowledge or insight.
A Fail will be awarded in cases which:
Fail to answer the question or develop an argument;
Fail to demonstrate knowledge of the key issues or arguments; Contain clear conceptual or factual errors or misunderstandings; Are poorly organised and/or poorly written.