Legislation consolidated the security functions

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Reference no: EM133638138


This legislation consolidated the "security" functions of the U.S. federal government in a a cabinet-level agency of the executive branch. This consolidation included U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Reference no: EM133638138

Questions Cloud

Describe why you chose the particular topic : Describe why you chose this particular topic. Why do you think that it is an important issue in regard to Managing Generations?
Asian americans exercised their rights and responsibilities : Can be used as example of how Asian Americans exercised their rights and responsibilities as citizens, at local, state and national levels? v united states.
Hume dismissed consent of the governed : Hume dismissed consent of the governed as the basis for government because.
What opportunities or threats may be present : What opportunities or threats may be present? What innovations or pivots may be required to navigate the two trends that you chose?
Legislation consolidated the security functions : This legislation consolidated the "security" functions of the U.S. federal government in a a cabinet-level agency of the executive branch.
Examine how the categories could potentially link together : Work with your counterparts to establish connections. Discuss the categories and examine how they could potentially link together.
What do bureaucrats do-where do they work : What do bureaucrats do? Where do they work? To whom [in the federal government] do they answer to?
Interpret your charts, summaries, clustering : Interpret your charts, summaries, clustering and any other analyses you have done in the process of creating your visualisations
Ability of communities to bounce-back from disasters : Resilience refers to the ability of communities to bounce-back from disasters.


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