Legalizing marijuana in the us

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Reference no: EM131404989 , Length: 6500 Words

Paper Topic:- Legalizing Marijuana in the US: The Economic Impacts of Cannabis Legalization in Colorado

Words Limit: 6500

References: Minimum 25

The topic of marijuana legalization is a significant agenda in the US today. It is a subject of debate in both the political and economic realms. Although there are proven health and social risks attributed to marijuana use, there are also significant social, economic and health benefits associated with the drug. For this reason, it is important for the policy makers to assess both the advantages and the disadvantages of the drug when making laws to its effect.  For instance, it is paramount to weigh between the benefits and the drawbacks so as to establish the cost to benefit result. There are instances where advantages outweigh the evils, calling for alternative means to address the evils. In marijuana legalization context, for instance, the economic and health benefits outweighs the associated risks. For this reason, the researcher suggests that the government should adopt rules that facilitatereaping the benefits of the drug and at the same time, establish measures that alleviate the risks involved in its consumption.

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Reference no: EM131404989

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