Legal system implement to promote unbiased presentations

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133319831


What kind of guidelines should the legal system implement to promote unbiased presentations of scientific evidence to help educate the court and juries? For example. should the testimony of experts be submitted for peer review before being presented to a jury ? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133319831

Questions Cloud

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Describe the ovarian cycle : Describe the Ovarian Cycle explaining the three phases: follicular, ovulation, and luteal phase.
Legal system implement to promote unbiased presentations : What kind of guidelines should the legal system implement to promote unbiased presentations of scientific evidence to help educate the court and juries?
Osteoporosis and hip fracture in elderly : Discuss the relationship between osteoporosis and hip fracture in the elderly. How can hip fractures be prevented?
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Demonstrated in variety of animal species : Same-sex sexual behaviour is demonstrated in a variety of animal species.


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