Legal issues related to mishandling of information

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Reference no: EM132079435

Information Security Management


This assessment task relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 1 and 5 and can be undertaken in a group of up to 4 members or individually. Distance students can form groups with on-campus students as well.You will analyse the scenario given on page 3and discuss the issues given in the Assessment Task below by contributing to the Group Discussion Forum of your group in Moodle during weeks 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.

Assessment Task

You are required to analyse the scenario given on page 3 and discuss the following issues in the specified weeks by contributing to the Group Discussion Forum of your group.

a) Legal issues related to mishandling of information of patients by the mobile teams of NTN (Due in week 3).

b) Ethics in InfoSec of the staff of Information Security Division of NTN (Due in week 4).

c) The measures that the Information Security Division should take to prevent all staff members of NTN from handling information unethically (Due in week 5).

d) Assume that you obtained a job at the Information Security Division of NTN. Your line manager asked you to study the InfoSec programs and policies of similar health-related organisations on the web and provide the following information:

(1) Components of InfoSec programs that you found (Due in Week 6).

(2) National and/or international InfoSec standards that these organisations follow (Due in Week 7).

Check the unit website at least once a week for further information relating to this assessment task. Please ensure that you write your report in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Unit Profile.

The Scenario for Information Security Management Assessment Tasks

NTN is a newly established private nursing school in Australia. Its main campus is located in Sydney and the satellite campuses are located in Darwin and Cairns. NTN has made agreements with three private hospitals in Sydney, Darwin and Cairns to provide the internship and training to the students of the nursing school. All three private hospitals and the main and satellite campuses of NTN are connected to the Internet.

Lecture, tutorial and laboratory classes are conducted in the campus in Sydney and they are live-video streamed to the satellite campuses forming a virtual classroom. The instructors and the students in the satellite campuses can directly communicate with the lecturer in the Sydney campus when a virtual class is in progress. At any time, there will be at most 200 students in the main campus and a maximum of 100 students in each satellite campus participating in a virtual class. However, these numbers are expected to double within the next couple of years.

NTN provides a telemedicine and healthcare service to the community in a radius of about 200km from each satellite campus by having a small mobile team of doctors and nursing students. The mobile team in Darwin as well as in Cairns provide consultations and services to the needy patients at their homes. These mobile teams travel around in a specially equipped vehicles called the home-care vehicles. The mobile teams can scan/photograph and send the reports of the patients immediately to the corresponding private hospital and communicate directly with the medical staff there via the networks in the home-care vehicles.

NTN recently appointed staff for its Information Security Division headed by a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to design and launch an information security program.

Attachment:- Information Security Management.rar

Verified Expert

This assessment is done in MS word. This includes the thoughts and story of the security information management in the nursing NTN school in Australia.It includes the components of the InfoSec programs found in the NTN school.It also includes the standards that are used in the organization.Related references have been added in the support of the answer.

Reference no: EM132079435

Questions Cloud

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Legal issues related to mishandling of information : COIT20263 Information Security Management - Group Discussion - Legal issues related to mishandling of information of patients by the mobile teams of NTN
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8/7/2018 11:03:32 PM

Week 6 Very relevant and detailed information. Very relevantinformation but not enough detail. Relevant but could be improved. Just summarising or paraphrasing the contributions of others in the group. No new contribution. Just agreeing or disagreeing to others in the group. Not relevant contribution.. Not attempted. 5 Week 7 Very relevant and detailed information. Very relevantinformation but not enough detail. Relevant but could be improved. Just summarising or paraphrasing the contributions of others in the group. No new contribution. Just agreeing or disagreeing to others in the group. Not relevant contribution.. Not attempted. 5


8/7/2018 11:03:20 PM

Week 4 Very relevant and detailed information. Very relevantinformation but not enough detail. Relevant but could be improved. Just summarising or paraphrasing the contributions of others in the group. No new contribution. Just agreeing or disagreeing to others in the group. Not relevant contribution.. Not attempted. 5 Week 5 Very relevant and detailed information. Very relevantinformation but not enough detail. Relevant but could be improved. Just summarising or paraphrasing the contributions of others in the group. No new contribution. Just agreeing or disagreeing to others in the group. Not relevant contribution.. Not attempted. 5


8/7/2018 11:03:12 PM

Each one of you should copy/paste your individual contributions that you made in the Group Discussion Forum to a Word document and upload it through the COIT20263 Moodle unit website assessment block on or before the due date.Marking Criteria HD D C P F Max Mark MarkObtained 5 4 3.5 2.5 2 1 0 Very relevant and detailed information. Very relevantinformation but not enough detail. Relevant but could be improved. Just summarising or paraphrasing the contributions of others in the group. No new contribution. Just agreeing or disagreeing to others in the group. Not relevant contribution. Not attempted. 5


8/7/2018 11:02:39 PM

Each one of you are assessed individually onyour ability to address the issues given in the Assessment Task and make meaningful contributions to the Group Discussion Forum of your group in Moodle in the specified weeks. Please note that your contributions should be new or beyond what has already been contributed by the others in your group. The marking criteria for Assessment Item 2 are provided on page 4. You need to familiarise yourself with the marking criteria to ensure that you complete this assessment task timely and properly.

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