Reference no: EM13523691
True / False Questions
1. The extent to which scores on a knowledge test truly reflect a job applicant's knowledge is a measure of the test's validity.
2. Measuring the accuracy of a mechanical ability test in predicting the job performance of current employees involves a predictive validity design.
3. Criterion measures are not used in the calculation of content validity.
4. Even if methodological and statistical differences across criterion-related validation studies are not controlled for statistically, it is still probable that validity can be generalized from one specific situation to another.
5. Organizations that collect assessment data need to attend to professional standards that govern their use.
6. The process of criterion-related validation begins with the identification of criterion measures.
7. The assessment of concurrent validity is more convenient and more efficient than the assessment of predictive validity.
8. One guideline for effective staffing practice is that all predictors should be routinely subjected to content validation.
9. Applicant flow statistics require the calculation of selection rates for groups and the subsequent comparison of those rates to determine if they are significantly different from each other.
10. According to the Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP), comparisons of selection rates among groups should be based on the 70% rule.
11. When assessing adverse impact, the law prohibits taking sample size into account.
12. Investigation of applicant stock statistics is also known as "utilization analysis."
13. Adverse impact statistics are very stable sample estimates of the amount of true adverse impact occurring in an organization.
14. The use of standardized measurement eliminates the possibility of adverse impact occurring.
15. The Uniform Guidelines in Employee Selection procedures indicates that when a selection procedure shows adverse impact, the organization must either eliminate it or justify it through presentation of validity evidence.
16. External selection refers to the assessment and evaluation of external job applicants.
17. Cost should not be used to guide the choice of initial assessment methods.
18. Job analysis sometimes finds that seemingly unrelated jobs may have more in common than would be expected by relying just on job titles.
19. The logic of prediction indicates that a point-to-point comparison needs to be made between requirements of the job to be filled and the qualifications of the job applicants.
20. A power test is used when the speed of work is an important part of the job.
Pre-offer stage of assessment process
: According to ADA, it is not permissible for employers to do which of the following at the pre-offer stage of assessment process?
Failure to conduct a reference check
: Adverse impact refers to the possibility that a disproportionate number of protect class members may be rejected using a given predictor.
External references rather than applicant surveys
: The most frequently used methods of initial assessment are education level, training and experience, reference checks, and initial interview.
The first step in developing a selection plan
: Although employers can outsource résumé collection to résumé-tracking services, in practice this type of outsourcing is too inefficient to be worth the cost.
Legal issues
: The Uniform Guidelines in Employee Selection procedures indicates that when a selection procedure shows adverse impact, the organization must either eliminate it or justify it through presentation of validity evidence.
Comparing scores of objective measures
: If an attribute of job performance is "planning and setting work priorities," and the raters fail to rate people on that dimension during their performance appraisal, then the performance measure is contaminated.
Importance and use of measures key concepts
: If an individual has a z-score of 2.0 on a performance test, this indicates this person's score is twice as high as the average test score.
How can bss know that its background testing programs
: In the past, BSS has used the following initial assessment methods: application blank, interviews with Stanley and other BSS managers, and a follow-up with the applicant's former employer. Beyond changes to its background testing program, would you ..
Describe how organizations should apply the general
: Describe how organizations should apply the general principles of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures to practical selection decisions.