Legal guidelines for organizing as a federal employee

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1341114

Unionization in the Federal Government Sector

Research unionization in the federal government sector and address the following:

- Show the legal guidelines for organizing as a federal employee.

- Pick 1 union representing a large segment of the federal workforce and discuss its history, size,structure, and the workforce it represents.

- Select 1 position designated as ineligible for unionization and describe why this position is not eligible for representation.

- Choose 1 represented position and explain why this position is eligible for union representation.

Reference no: EM1341114

Questions Cloud

Purpose of labor unions : Explain Why are labor unions formed what is their purpose and why has membership seen a decline in recent years?
Impact and involvement of prison labor over time : Discussing the topic of the impact and involvement of prison labor over time and compose with credible references
Explain what are the strategies used by u.s. companies : Explain What are the strategies used by U.S. companies today to keep them union-free and why is it critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission? Thanks.
Controlling labor costs and maintaining quality of care : Controlling Labor Costs and Maintaining Quality of Care - How should we go about controlling labor costs and at the same time maintaining quality of care?
Legal guidelines for organizing as a federal employee : Show the legal guidelines for organizing as a federal employee
Explain what is the jurisdiction of the nlrb : Explain What is the jurisdiction of the NLRB, what types of cases does it render decisions? Give examples
Interests of management and labor to work : Management and Labor Working Together - Why is it in the best interests of management and labor to work together
Describe the purpose and history of penitentiaries : Describe the purpose and history of penitentiaries, and include the following and History of punishment
Draft a plan for or against nurses and unions : The American Professionals Union is attempting to unionize your 1,000 registered nurses - Unionism in Hospitals: Drafting a plan for or against nurses and unions


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