Legal description of date rape

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Reference no: EM1335258

You are working with the prosecutor in the date-rape case involving the college student, and you have decided that it would be a good idea to put together a survey that could be used to poll the local college campus about the attitudes concerning date rape and date rape drugs. Your goal is to find out the following:

-if college students identify date rape as rape

-what source is most responsible for shaping his/her attitudes about rape

-if the student has ever either experienced or participated in any form of date rape

-if the student has ever had personal knowledge of a date rape drug used in his/her presence

-what services are available to a victim of rape

Your will consist of one part that is done as a group, and then one additional part per group member. You will be looking to see if there are differences in attitude in age groups, gender, or geography and you are also interested in identifying what factors have most impacted their attitudes about date rape.

Group portion: Determine the format of the questionnaire. Select from the following: true or false statements; yes or no statements; approve or disapprove statements; agree or disagree scales; or any other research measures. For the first part of the survey, determine which non-identifying demographic information to include, such as age group--this can be done by college classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior), by age grouping (18-19, 20-21, 22 and over), gender, or geographic area of the country (east, southeast, midwest, south, southwest, west). The group should identify a legal description of what date rape is. Determine what to include as a disclaimer that assures the person filling out the survey that his/her responses will remain anonymous. Divide topics for the individual portion among the group member for research and drafting of questions. Do not distribute this survey outside of this course; this is just an exercise.

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Individual portion:

The individual contribution to the group involves researching and recording information about the assigned topics. After this information is accumulated, the student must draft specific, relevant questions that reflect your ability to collect relevant information in each area. Remember, your results can only be as accurate as the questions that you ask. Respond to the following prompts:

a) Identify a legal description of date rape so that the person filling out the survey knows what types of behavior are being described.

b) Identify services available to rape victims that may include support groups, advocates, counseling availability, and crime victim compensation availability in your area.

c) Identify whom to contact by phone in the event a rape has occurred.

d) Provide a definition of date rape drugs along with their street names.

Reference no: EM1335258

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