Legal claims against capstone corporation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132814364

In this assignment, you'll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from another series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.

Paula's bad luck continues. Five days after the events detailed in your last assignment, Paula returns to work at Capstone Corporation. Unfortunately, she used her company e-mail to send her mom a personal note about her injuries, despite being aware that Capstone's company policy prohibits use of company e-mail for personal communication. Paula's supervisor, Mikey Manager, discovers Paula's violation and Paula is reprimanded. When Paula goes home, she uses her personal computer to post disparaging comments about her boss and Capstone Corporation on social media. The next day, Paula is fired from her job.

After several days of bad luck, Paula believes her luck is about to change. She finds a new job in a nearby town. Paula had been using the bus to go to work at Capstone Corporation, but she will need to purchase a car to commute to her new job. Fortunately, her neighbor Freddy Ford has just purchased a new vehicle and is selling his old Mustang. Paula meets with Freddy and agrees to purchase the Mustang for $1000. The parties also agree that Paula will bring Freddy the money the next day when she picks up the car. The next day, Paula calls Freddy and says, "I have the money. I'd like to come pick up my car." Freddy replies that Paula is too late. He sold the car earlier in the day.

Does Paula have any legal claims against Capstone Corporation? What about Paula's actions? Does Paula have a contract with Freddy to purchase the car? Consider the following:

Does Paula have a right to privacy when using Capstone Corporation's e-mail system? Discuss one's right to privacy and relate it to the facts in the scenario.

Can Paula be legally fired from her job for making negative comments about her boss and her company on social media? What about free speech? Discuss these issues and relate them to the facts of the scenario.

Do Paula and Freddy have a contract for the sale of the Mustang? Discuss the elements of a contract and relate those elements to the facts of the scenario.

Reference no: EM132814364

Questions Cloud

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Discuss organizational dimensions that may support effort : Discuss the organizational dimensions that may support and / or hinder your efforts i.e., live chat dated 2/28. Properly incorporate.
Why teams and teamwork are encouraged in organizations today : Describe why teams and teamwork are encouraged in organizations today. Analyze why, or why not, team performance should be a part of the performance management.
Legal claims against capstone corporation : Does Paula have any legal claims against Capstone Corporation? What about Paula's actions? Does Paula have a contract with Freddy to purchase the car?
Why might seniority be such a difficult issue to resolve : "Seniority" is present day "hot button" issue. Using the hypothetical as background, why might "seniority" be such a difficult issue to resolve?
Affected by the achievement of the project objectives : A project stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the project's objectives.
Develop a proactive personality : According to DuBrin (2015), the following strategies or tactics are identified for enhancing your career: develop a proactive personality.
Influence the manager decision of france business : You need points out some France law and write about how they influence the manager decision of France business.


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