Legal and ethical responsibilities when working with client

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Reference no: EM1359504

What are some legal and ethical responsibilities when working with a client who is seriously contemplating suicide? Suppose you are faced with a terminally ill client in the advanced stage of illness that is in a great deal of physical pain. The client indicates to you in a calm, reasonable way that she is going to drive out to an isolated spot in a state park, drink a thermos of margaritas, put on her favorite CD, take out her 9mm automatic, get out of the car, go sit under her favorite tree, make an audio tape telling her family how much she loves them and how she does not want to be a burden on them and then kill herself.
What are some moral view of suicide and concerns?

300 words or more with scholarly references.

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The paper is about the legal and ethical responsibilities done by the physicians on the basis of the request of the terminally ill patient. It discusses about the pros & cons of the such legal & ethical responsibilities while doing this. While some countries allow the terminally ill patient to be contemplate suicide some countries do no allow such contemplations. This paper has been prepared in Microsoft office words document.

Reference no: EM1359504

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