Legal and ethical implications of medical abandonment

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Reference no: EM132718141

Training Topics
1. Organizational compliance with privacy and confidentiality regulations. Audience: all organizational employees
2. Legal and ethical implications of medical abandonment for clinical staff and organization. Audience: clinical staff (physicians and nurses)
3. Role of advance directives in treatment and end-of-life healthcare decisions. Audience: clinical staff (physicians and nurses)
4. HIPAA privacy and security rules. Audience: all healthcare organizational employees
5. Professional code of ethics for HIM staff. Audience: HIM departmental staff
6. Informed consent in emergency situations. Audience: emergency room staff (clinical and administrative)
7. Minimizing malpractice cases with proper medical record documentation. Audience: clinical staff (physicians and nurses)
8. Legal and ethical considerations in the implementation and maintenance of an electronic medical record. Audience: HIM and IT departments

Week 2: Course Project Topic Submission
• Submit your topic with a brief explanation.
• Do research and begin writing the training manual.

Week 4: Course Project Outline Submission
• Begin working on the training manual. You are responsible for the academic integrity of the manual.
• Research the specific legislation (state and/or federal) that is clearly related to the topic and audience.
• Conduct other professional and academic research and apply course readings, as necessary.
• Based on your research findings, scope, and depth of the intended manual, determine what key areas you plan to discuss in your training.
• Complete and submit the training manual outline.

Week 6: Training Manual Peer Review
• Submit a draft of your training manual to the Course Project Peer Review Discussion.
• Review at least 2 Classmate's submissions and provide constructive feedback based on the grading rubric.

Week 8: Final Training Manual Submission
• Submit the training manual.
Although the Course Project Training Manual will be written as an academic paper in Microsoft Word, it is really a training manual for the identified audience. The intent is that HIT graduates can use this document and training manual for interview purposes upon graduation to a potential employer. It must be an originally developed and presented according to the following formatting and content requirements in accordance with DeVry academic writing, APA 7th edition, and academic integrity policies.
The original content must (1) be supplemented with specific legislation specifically (state and/or federal statue, regulation and/or legal guidance) and clearly related to the selected topic and audience, and (2) incorporate a minimum of four references, with one from the sources below. Keep in mind that paid or politically motivated legal sources are not authorized for the purpose of this assignment.
1. The current course textbook
2. A state or federal governmental source to support specified legislation (must be .gov if using Internet source)
3. A peer-reviewed journal from DeVry's online library databases
4. Scholarly or professional source such as AHIMA, HIMSS, and so on
The training manual must be five to seven full pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double-spaced, in third person, and formatted according to APA 7th edition requirements (using first level headings). Please see DeVry's research, writing, and APA resources in the Student Resources section for further guidance.
At minimum, the following content must be included and written in third person.
• Title page: Include the title of the paper, the author, the university name, a running head, and page numbers.
• Table of contents: List the main heading sections of the paper and the pages where they are located.
• Introduction: Introduce the topic or issue to the particular audience, give overview of the training, and describe what the manual entails. The introduction also previews the main ideas and the order in which they are covered, and establishes a tone of the document.
• Training objectives: Explain to the audience objectives and outcomes of the training and why it is required
• Body (using proper APA headings): The body will encompass the actual training and must start off with an introduction and overview of the legislative, regulatory, or legal foundation (authority) for the training, including citation to all HIM, legal, and ethical sources. It may include original graphics, flow charts, and so on to illustrate content and resources that the employee would need to be compliant with the topic. Break out the main ideas using applicable APA headings when the topic has changed. State the main ideas, highlight major points in each idea, provide evidence, and include the information you found during your research and investigation
• Conclusion: The conclusion should synthesize rather than introduce new material or repeat the main ideas verbatim unless there is a rephrasing of the thesis. The conclusion should recap what the audience is to gain from the training.
• APA reference page: Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus, which is APA. All resources cited in the body of the paper must be included on the reference page.

Attachment:- Training Topics.rar

Reference no: EM132718141

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Legal and ethical implications of medical abandonment : Legal and ethical implications of medical abandonment for clinical staff and organization. Audience: clinical staff (physicians and nurses)
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